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Video Game / Super Mario Bros. Funk Mix: Game Over

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Looks like something’s gone wrong with your copy of Super Mario Bros. Funk Mix. The ever infamous MX has his sights on you and your only way out is via a rap battle and lots of running.

This mod consists of one song, that being its namesake, Game Over.

Download the mod here.

SMB. FUNK MIX: GAME OVER features instances of:

  • Adaptational Dumbass: MX somehow forgot to get rid of the power-ups, a tactic that he used specifically so Lucas couldn’t fight back. This allows Boyfriend to start out with a Fire Flower. This also results in him being able to regain any lost power-ups if he misses a note.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: At one point during the song, MX turns EVEN BIGGER than he usually is. So big, that the chase sequence stops for a moment as Boyfriend hides behind a wall while MX stands ominously within the background.
  • Boss Banter: MX, as always, lets out his signature “Innocence doesn’t get you far” and “Wahoo” shortly after transforming, as well as saying “Get back here” towards the final stretch of the song.
  • Chase Fight: After MX’s transformation, Boyfriends books it to the pipe behind 1-1, though he still sings his heart out.
  • Death by Adaptation: Lucas’ head is shown on a wooden pike just before Boyfriend hides behind some rubble.
  • Older Than They Look: Pretty much the only logical reason why MX is going after Boyfriend, considering the former usually targets only children and the latter is 19 years old.
