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Video Game / Slap Happy Rhythm Busters

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New Challenger Shows Up

Slap Happy Rhythm Busters is a little known ridiculously named fighting game released on the PSX in 2000. Notable for its vibrant and weird design, its cell shaded 3D graphics during a time when such a thing was rare, and its unique gimmick in which super moves are performed in a Beatmania-esque mini game.

This video game contains examples of:

  • Acrofatic: Holemon is surprising mobile for someone his weight.
  • Aerith and Bob: The names of the characters go from Chad and April to Zekoo and Mercantile.
  • Almighty Janitor: Trash, quite literally, is a trash man who fights people.
  • Artificial Stupidity: Despite the button reading, the AI still manages to usually not be much of a challenge.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: This is Nitro in a nutshell, although the biggest standout in his move list is his beam spam super move, which has such a long start up that it's almost impossible to safely use in any given situation, and even then it can be simply blocked.
  • BFG: Nitro and Frosty have big guns they can use as special moves. April's revolver, used in her normals, is also rather large.
  • Clothing Damage: April can and will have her hat knocked straight off of her head.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: There's some blatant button reading going on the AI end, which is more evident with characters that have Shoryuken-type attacks.
  • Damn You, Muscle Memory!: Players might get a little frustrated at first when Shoryuken-type moves use a down-down input instead of the more commonly used DP motion
  • Expy: Mia clearly emulates Chun-Li in appearance. Stealth also looks very much like a Predator.
  • Forced Transformation: Holeman can turn his unfortunate victims into chickens with his birdcage helmet.
  • Gasshole: Euri utilizes the exhaust from her jetpack in some of her attacks.
  • Glass Cannon: If someone can manage to grab the upper hand, Mercantile will go down very quickly.
  • Gratuitous English: A given, due to the lack of export. Extremely apparent in some loading screen comics.
  • Hammerspace: Trash's vacuum is capable of sucking up entire vehicles.
  • Hitbox Dissonance: Nitro clearly has terrible aim, as his machine gun attacks don't hit unless his target makes contact with the actual gun.
  • Joke Character: As vibrant and strange the cast is, Frosty manages to stick out as this.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: One of Ramos' supers is a huge Kamehameha-esque beam.
  • Mighty Glacier: Nitro is a very slow but huge purple man who can turn his fists into heavy objects.
  • No Plot? No Problem!: There's a little backstory in the loading comics, but it's usually nothing more than a brief glimpse into a character's personality as opposed to why everyone is fighting each other.
  • One-Handed Zweihänder: Rude Boy and Jakoo use big swords, although the former mostly fights hand to hand.
  • Shotoclone: Ramos, and by extension Dark Ramos, have the usual fireball and dragon punch moves.
  • Some Dexterity Required: Largely averted; the specials and super moves are very easy to pull off in comparison to other fighters, never getting more complex than a simple quarter circle motion.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Oreg was spelled "Oleg" in his previous appearance in another fighting game by Polygon Magic known as Vs.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Jakoo and Dark Ramos are evil versions of Zekoo and Ramos, respectively. Rude Boy can also do this mid-fight with a super move, although it doesn't do much besides make him bigger.
  • Tag Team:
    • Both Chad-Gram and Vivian-Roxy are two characters that fight in a piggyback formation.
    • Merchantile has his wolf fight first, only participating in the fight when the wolf gets knocked out.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Chad-Gram appears to have this as a move, where he hacks a green bubble across the screen.
