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Video Game / Dweller's Empty Path

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Dweller's Empty Path is a RPG Maker game, created in 2020 by Temmie Chang, the artist and illustrator of Undertale and Deltarune, as a indirect sequel to her previous game, Escaped Chasm. It can be downloaded for free here.

The hero of this game is Yoki, who's lately been not resting well due to her nightmares. To ease her mind, she goes on a walk around the nearby area...

...And maybe do an errand or two.

This game contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Broad Strokes: Officially, the animated short Dwellers of the Mountain's Forest is considered part of an alternate timeline and doesn't accurately reflect the game's universe. Despite this, the dragon from the short can be found in-game and directly references his defeat at the hands of Yoki when talked to, suggesting that the events shown still happened even if the exact details differed.
  • Company Cross References: By going off the beaten path in the forest, you can find a clearing where a trio of characters named "Krys" "Zusy" and "Lerias" are taking a break from their search for a fountain. All three are clear expies of the three heroes from Deltarune.
  • Developer's Foresight: Although the game blocks you from accessing it, the warp for Zera's room exists.
  • Developer's Room: As in Escaped Chasm, the true ending leads to a bonus room with Temmie to talk to, as well as some extra lore.
  • Earn Your Bad Ending: Ignoring Zera three times does not end well, but only if you have done everything else in the game. It's easy to avoid him when he's at Yoki's house, but avoiding his other two appearances requires knowledge the player won't have on a first playthrough.
  • Eldritch Location: Zera's manor. From the outside, it's constantly phasing in and out of existence, while on the inside the view from the windows is pitch black even in the middle of the day, the reflections in the mirrors can move of their own accord, and the eye Yoki sees in her nightmares is staring at her from behind one of the doors.
  • Environmental Narrative Game: In Temmie's own words, it's a game where you "don't really do much except walk around and make images appear". You mostly just explore the world looking for characters to talk to and interesting sights to see, all while gathering up pages from Charles's journal to learn about Yoki's past.
  • Everything's Better with Sparkles: Save points appear as sparkles, and one set at the Castle Town docks indicates a place for Yoki to sit down and watch the sea.
  • Green Boy Color: Almost every scene in the game is in shades of green.
  • Hint System: There's a bird near your house, near the village and in the city that will give you a hint as to where to go next.
  • Justified Save Point: You save by using Yoki's journal at home, though there's also sparkling save points outside which represent her journal somehow appearing there. Averted with the one during the adventurers segment where it's just a plain old savepoint.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
    • The whole segment where you follow an adventuring party lampshades a bunch of RPG stuff, such as Random Encounters... which are visible to the player, as they're not part of that story.
    • There's also an NPC in one of the caves who says there's no secrets here, but thanks you for coming anyway.
  • The Lost Woods: Claire has put protective barriers around her home to prevent people from reaching her; those who are not immune or capable of breaking the barriers will get lost in a fog.
  • Multiple Endings: There's five, most depending on how many events you have triggered in the game. Some also have alternate versions.
    • If you have done less than 20 out of 31 events, Yoki will still not be sleeping well. You can do this without leaving the room and she will call you out on it.
    • If you have done 20 but less than 31, she will end up sleeping well. If you ignored all Zera events without doing all remaining ones, she will ponder that he probably hid the remaining journal pages out of spite.
    • If you ignore every event that involves Zera, while doing every other event, he will continue giving Yoki nightmares.
    • The true ending requires you to do all 31 events and finish reading Charles's journal. If you ignore the journal completely, Yoki will wonder whose journal it is; reading it just once without quite finishing it cause her to say she knows how it ends and that's she is waiting for Charles to come back.
    • It's possible to sleep in Zera's guest bed if you keep interacting. This isn't exactly a good idea.
  • Non-Standard Game Over: If you hack yourself into Zera's room you will get called out on invading privacy and get booted back to title screen.
  • Permanently Missable Content: The Hint System will recommend you start another playthrough if you haven't spoken to Zera while he's outside Yoki's house. This is because ignoring Zera results in him hiding the last third of the journal pages, which locks you out of the true ending.
  • Splash of Color: In the true ending scene, the bat girl's dialogue is in red and the color palette shifts from green to orange.
  • Time Skip: A few years have passed since the events of Escaped Chasm; enough time for the wolf BEAST-Type to get properly settled into her new world.
  • The Stinger: After the credits in the true ending, we're shown Zera talking about preparing Yoki for... something, as well as a scene portraying the bat girl from one of Escaped Chasm's bad ends (the fleshy mass included), and somebody telling Yoki to run away.
  • Warp Whistle: The carriage acts as fast travel between village and the castle, while Este will offer to carry you between the village and the cliff near Claire's house once you are done with the mail.
