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Unusual Euphemism / Web Original

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  • How many of you had heard "fark" before Drew Curtis launched the eponymous website in 1999?
  • Played with in Tales of MU, with actual swearing rendered in the familiar English, but local variants exist to replace such things as "gee" and "gosh."
  • A variation appears in Survival of the Fittest which otherwise averts the trope entirely. When making evalutations of the student files (in-character versions of the student profiles handlers write for the characters), Danya tends to use "motivate" as a euphamism for playing the game/killing. For example "has potential to be a motivator" or "could motivate if given the right incentive."
  • When talking on image boards, be aware that safe driving means breasts that straddle the line of being sent to an alternative board for their immense size.
  • In Stupid Mario Brothers, Ash often says things like "Son of a Bulbasaur".
  • A YouTube ROM Hack reviewer named Azure Blade 49 used "Ferjuckers" as a minced oath several times. In one instance, he even left a comment explaining that he uses this word whenever something doesn't quite call for a WTF.
  • The Gaming in the Clinton Years review of Tomb Raider 2 refers to Lara Croft's breasts as "front-loaded anvils."
  • The Euphemismator
  • The Protectors of the Plot Continuum say things like "Flaming Denethor" or "Jadis in a block of ice", and use "Glaurung" as a substitute for the F-word.
  • Atop the Fourth Wall: Linkara said "What the pluperfect hell has that got to do with Batman?!" in his review of The Dark Knight Strikes Again: Part 1. He also asked in the same review, "What the Flying Dutchman is up with this background?" And his Running Gag of saying "What the Funk and Wagnall?"
  • Let's Player DeceasedCrab can often be heard to exclaim "Bake sale!" when he screws up.
    • Similarly, Seorin's Let's Play of Tsukihime uses the names of breakfast cereals, cookies, and other foods to partially censor the ero scenes. You will never look at breakfast the same way again.
    • Later on, in the epic LP of Sonic 2006, Pokecapn tended to scream "PHYSICS!" whenever he died. It stopped being hilarious after 500 times. But only after.
  • lonelygirl15: "Sara's done the fun in all sorts of places."
  • Kit-chan's capsummaries include endless amounts of these! "I would like to 'work under you', Sir.", "Keep an 'apple pie' warm for me!" are two notable ones.
  • The Annoying Orange: "You're an apple!"
  • In keeping with "number one" and "number two," masturbation has been referred to on the podcast You Look Nice Today as "number three."
  • Similarly, Regular Car Reviews once boasted of an RV's onboard toilet, saying you could "drop a hot deuce" or "DROP A HOT THRICE". What this means is not explained, but the way he says it suggests it's something half again as nasty as taking a dump.note 
  • The Drunk Tank Podcast, by the guys at Rooster Teeth Productions, uses the term "hands" for breasts. Eventually, Geoff refers to a bartender they call "angry boobs" as having "huge, pendulous, beautiful hands."
  • In the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black, one of the possible threats Chapman lists that she might use on Dina is "I'm going to do to you what the Spring does with cherry trees, but in a prison way." This is, as Chapman points out, based on a Pablo Neruda quotation.
  • In Nfl Quarterbacks On Facebook, whenever a quarterback wants to imply the usage of the word, shit, they replace it with Tony Romo, e.g: "So help me, I will beat the Romo out of you," "If I want your opinion, Romo, I'll wipe it off my asshole", So help me Romo, I will put you in a paper bag, light you on fire, and put you on someone's doorstep," "I will Romo in your Uggs, Brady" etc.
  • The Muppets YouTube video "Food Fight" features Gordon Ramsay replacing his trademark Cluster F Bombs with the word "bleep".
    Sweetums: You sure do say "bleep" a lot!
    Ramsay: It's the bleeping Muppets! There's families bleeping watching!
  • The Hardcore Kid uses "Smegged up" as a euphemism for "messed up" or "fucked up".
  • In The Best Worst Pick-up Lines! by Matthew Santoro, Matt refers to the vagina as "the Harry Potter".
  • Sharon and the Girls from Those Aren't Muskets. Micheal refers to his genitals as "Sharon and the Girls". His friend starts asking about his other unusual euphemisms for genitalia. This leads to argument about how ridiculous some of the names are. We also learn that he refers to a pair of breasts as testicles.
  • Critical Role has this in spades, mostly notably in this exchange between Scanlan and guest party member Kashaw.
    Scanlan: "Are you more of a Vax man, or a Vex man? Which way do you roll? Would you be interested in the rogue or the ranger?"
  • On Neal Boortz's Twitter feed, "horseobama" or "bullobama," in which "obama" replaces, well, take a guess.
  • Pat of Two Best Friends Play got so flustered in the Resident Evil 4 episode that he told Matt to "Go——...a boat."
  • In the Kakos Industries episode "Babysit", Kakos Industries CEO Corin Deeth III has to do his regular shareholder announcements with a toddler in the recording booth. Such announcements include the recent "UltraNudity Festival" and Corin finds himself worrying he doesn't have enough replacement words to properly describe the festival's climax without teaching the little girl things she shouldn't know. The flaw in this idea is the child, Darkmother Belladonnica, is an Enfante Terrible who uses her fingerpaints to show she is fully aware of what Corin is talking about.
    Corin Deeth III: Let’s see. I saw people playing "fetch". I saw a few others "Wrestling in the Greek style". Still others "Waded in the murky pond water". There were only a few instances of the "Towering Inferno". I did see some "bean balling". Also, there was one notable instance of "Wink wink nudge nudge say no more because your mouth is full". There were also a couple of people "Ice Creaming" for most of the night. Belladonnica has taken to drawing exactly what Ice Creaming is, even though I wasn’t sure I knew what I meant when I said it.
  • Fat, French and Fabulous: Jessica spends much of the episode on the disappearance of Maura Murray treating strange phrases as if they were euphemisms, like "mechanical problems".
  • The Try Guys read and act out fanfiction of themselves, including slash fiction. All of the sexual scenes and innuendo are replaced with them eating and sharing sandwiches.
  • ContraPoints: "You'll never know what it's like to squeeze life out of your sacred passage!"
  • The Last Podcast on the Left: In the second episode of their series on Joseph Kallinger, while discussing the book they're using as their main source of information, Marcus Parks has high praise for author Flora Schreiber's descriptive writing style in describing Kallinger's frighteningly vivid hallucinations. However, he has a hard time coping with the sex-based euphemisms she employs, such as referring to a vagina as a "hairy delta".
  • Dream: BadBoyHalo says in the Minecraft Manhunts, "What the muffin?"
  • In the Buzzfeed video "When the Doctor Needs to See Your Penis", said doctor uses a whole Hurricane of Euphemisms for the penis or examining it, all of them unusual. They include ladle, drawbridge, berry-picking season, tower, peasy, going down under, and pine nuts.
  • In this video, the narrator uses "poopaca" as a euphemism for either soiling oneself or pooping due to food poisoning. This comes from him using an alpaca to censor poop.
  • UNHhhh: During the episode "Disappointment", the hosts get lost in metaphors by talking about nudity through the use of references to French cuisine ("Do you worry about them seeing the coq au vin and jumping out the window?"). Trixie later says "eat that coq au vin" as a substitute to "eating ass".
  • To avoid demonetization when speaking about the COVID-19 Pandemic in the early days of the pandemic, the Game Grumps referred to it as the "Backstreet Boys reunion tour," making it very clear that you don't want to end up with tickets to their concert. They continued using this metaphor even when the demonetization was lifted.
  • During the Singapore round of the YouTuber Championship Benjamin 'Tiametmarduk' Daly drops one on his thirteenth lap of the fifteen-lap race after being tagged from behind by an AI-controlled Lotus of Romain Grosjean. Khaos Omega often employs a Shout-Out to this.
  • The Tourettes Guy uses Bob Saget's name in place of swears.
  • StacheBros: In "Super Donkey Kong Bros", Toadsworth congratulates Donkey Kong and Diddy for rescuing Peach, saying that she'd still be in Bowser's Castle "getting tally-hoed" if it wasn't for their efforts. He then asks them if that's what the kids are calling it these days.
  • Members of the Fluffy Pony species refer to "enfies", based on the sound "unf", or "speciaw huggies" instead of sex, "bad enfies" instead of rape, and "foweba sweepies" instead of death. Depending on the Writer they may or may not be literally incapable of talking non-euphemistically about such things.
  • Though it's primarily only used on the website Derpibooru, the entire My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic colloquially recognizes "duck" as being a Troll or otherwise lousy person, stemming from an incident in the very early days of that fanbase where a member accidentally misspelled "OP is a dick". This led to a mini vocabulary of waterfowl-themed terms for unpleasant users like "duckery" (the standard behavior of a troll) and "quacking" (saying stupid or ill-informed things).
