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Tropers / Zombieface

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Hello there, fellow troper!

I am zombieface, though I sincerely hope that's not something that will soon be a literal statement. If you have found this page, you probably want to be somewhere else, but I don't mind, as the company is certainly quite nice. I'm here for tropes, laughter, and any advice in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, which would, understandably, be less than ideal.

I love reading and writing, I spend too much time here, and it doesn't seem to be changing. I enjoy video games that don't center on sports, fighting (I'm looking at you, Mortal Kombat), or racing, but man, do I love me some good ol' fashioned JRPGs... or RPGs in general. I've got most of the Discworld books, and it was courtesy of this place that I even started reading anything by Sir Terry Pratchett.

I'm a big fan of Jesus, and I'm pretty sure he was alright. I'll do my best not to force anything down your throat about it. I'd like to think that my beliefs are a little different than other Christians/Jesus followers, but then, I could be way off base here.

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