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Tropers / Zandercan

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You wake up in a room with a mysterious lump protruding from your head. There is no visible light.

>> Search room.

You find a torch and a tinderbox, and place them in your inventory.

>> Light torch.

Directly in front of you is a computer screen with a link to zandercan's Contributor page.

>> Click Link.

There isn't really much to tell when it comes to me, but I hail from Tucson, Arizona. Like possibly countless other tropers, I have a rather shady background story that would take up too much of this page if I were to explain everything. While I'm not explicitly open about it, I drop several hints to friends, family, and aquaintences not in the know that I'm bisexual. I have asperger's, so I can sometimes be Literal-Minded and miss jokes, especially when I've lost several hours' worth of sleep. I plan on being a writer and I won an award for Best Actor in high school drama class.

My life is damn near Trope Overdosed, so any attempts to catagorize tropes would also take up way too much space. Thank God for Troper Tales!
