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Tropers / The1ultimate

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Ultimately everything is possible and everything is subjective.

the1ultimate is someone who is quite fond of TV Tropes.

The appellation "the1ultimate" is clearly an absurd claim and shouldn't be taken seriously (Or Is It? [isn't it cheap when people use this trope like this?]). The name was chosen because as a child he had a fondness for the word "ultimate".

the1ultimate is interested in stories, from fairytales and folktales to animations, to current affairs to door-stopping literature and motion pictures, and can recite plot synopses for all stories previously encountered without difficulty. In fact, the reason the1ultimate likes TV Tropes so much is due to a paticular fondness for stories themselves.

Basically an idealist to such a degree that things are always greater in his mind, the1ultimate continues to struggle with reality [it's a pain. I hope they fix the bugs in the next version].

the1ultimate: Works which I might go so far as to say help define me:
