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Tropers / Silversymbiote

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Silversymbiote here, im a very frequent troper, i love this site and i try to introduce it to as many people as i can, but unfortunately only about two people have actually become frequent users thanks to me. Sometimes i cant help but feel like Tvtropes is highly underrated and deserves way more infamy then it has. I can very easily picture myself someday starting some kind of movement that helps to put this site on the map. I mean we can all dream cant we? if anyone wants to help me think of a way to make Tvtropes a more well known site, don't hesitate to friend me on Facebook

Tropes that apply to my life:

  • Cake Eater: Averted in my case being that a girl being older then me is a deal breaker
  • Dad the Veteran: My dad fought in Vietnam
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me: Though i dont show it much, i tend to feel this way to the world alot
  • Master of None: Specifically with knowledge. I know a little bit about a lot of random things, yet there's not to many things i know a lot about
  • Noble Demon: I believe in "what goes around comes around", thus i will always do my best not to do evil things. But if it wasn't for that, i believe being a villain could be a good profession for me because 1)i'm not very good at giving sympathy 2) im a devious thinker and planner and 3) tons upon tons of people Ive met though my life have given me very legitimate reasons to want revenge on them
  • Knight in Sour Armor: sure this world is cruel, but hey, life's what you make it
  • Only Sane Man: Here and there i find myself feeling like this
  • The Confidant: ive been told im good at this
  • The Snark Knight: The attitude of a snark knight is what i mainly have, but i can let out the wittyness of one when the situation calls
  • The Windy City: i was born in Berwyn(A suburb of Chicago),Illinois

My Character Development throughout my life

As we all know, high school is a major source of development for everyone so thats the area im mainly covering here

i think ill start at 8th grade. Up until then, i had been home schooled all my life. So when i first go into 8th grade,Right away i noticed that my lack of street smarts was playing a factor in my social status. Having only had video games and TV to develop my interest, i was a bit of a NerdEveryman because i really had no defining interests, Plus i was always smarter then most of the people around me(though it didn't really feel like i was, all the teachers said i was)

Come high school, nothing really had changed leading through my freshman year, that is until halfway through when i moved to a different school. You see my first high school was jam packed with Nerds like me, but this new high school was one of those schools where they send all the kids who have failed everywhere else(still not sure where my mom got the idea to put me there) thus it was filled with the hardcore partyers and potheads, which i did not mix well with being a straight edge kid. I was even less liked here then i was in 8th grade, and to cope with that, i became the Sad Clown

Simultaneously at this time in my life i was crushing on a girl i knew who didn't go to my school. Back then i couldn't talk to a girl to save my life so i figured i could get her attention if i were to make it seem as if i liked the same stuff as her. She seemed interested in all the buton-eque style stuff and was only a hair color switch and a disposition change from seeming slightly goth. So i started to look into all things dark and emo like and i tried to kind of mold myself into a bit of an Ineffectual Loner. I partially succeeded, but i never wound up dating her so it was for naught.(except for the fact i am actually still interested in some of the stuff i looked up today despite not planing on it)

At about my junior year i started meeting girls here and there who let me get to know them well enough to see that they were Covert Perverts. Feeling like a girl like this was an awesome girl to know, i started to search for these kind of girls more often and became a bit of a Chivalrous Pervert along the way. I often found myself giving girls i knew and didn't even like sarcastic compliments to help them laugh and feel good about themselves

As of just recently, i found myself getting tired and bored with being being a complimenting suck up to girls. Present day i would say im somewhat of a Celibate Hero. I really am no longer searching for a girlfriend and i cant stand all things mushy. This is not to say i cant show emotion at all, i just don't do it as often.

Oh, and heres a little something i wanted to put somewhere so i could use it later. It in all liklihood will someday be the description on the back of a novel i write someday

  • your help was greatly apreciated. emphasis on "was". i always saw the constant shoulders everyone offered me as the lifeblood that kept my life going, kept me from going off the deep end. It wasnt untill i became an adult that now i look back and see that those shoulders would fit better under the title of "springboard". After all, once a kid learns to ride a bike, you dont see their parents continue to hold the handlebars for them. Except for the occasional parent that takes some time to get uses to the fact that they dont need their help anymore. These are the sufficators. And these people exist everywhere, not just in the dutys of parenthood. For it is these people who will never know when enough is enough. they will never know when to stop holding the handlebars. They will never learn that you have outgrown the need for their pity!! The shoulders that once kept me from the deep end are now driving me ever so close to it. and once i can stand it no longer, they are going to wish they kept their sympathy to themselves. Once my breaking point arives, it will be them who will be desiring sympathy, but wont deserve a single once of it...

This next area is my own personal sandbox for school work. since my school blocks email but deosnt block Tvtropes(weird) i use it to transfere stuff from my PC to my schools computers and vice versa. so if theres one thing above all other things id rather you not touch on this page, its this.

For quite some time, Marijuana has been referred to as the “Gateway Drug” because of the fact that it is one of the least dangerous of illegal drugs and several people believe it is lacking in enough danger that it should be made legal. Well in my opinion there is a drug that comes before marijuana. A drug that most people overlook because it is already legal: Alcohol. In my opinion, Alcohol is nothing more then just a drug that is lower on the danger scale then marijuana is. After all, you’ll probably find more people who drink and are against drugs then vice versa. Here's an illustration of where alcohol stands on the dangerous substance scale: There was a time back in the twenties and thirties where alcohol was made illegal to drink altogether. The fact that that was even in consideration at one time is hard to believe in comparison to today where it would likely never happen again. This gives us a glimpse into a potential future where America has accepted smoking weed in moderation despite there once being a time where there were whole campaigns designed to encourage people to stay away from it. And whose to say it will stop there. Whose to say america in the far fututre wont lower the standered even more. I don’t believe alcohol should be played with in moderation anymore or less then illegal drugs should. and i think it would be in parents best intrests to teach there kids to not drink at all rather then drinking responibly. Let me share a few of the dangers that drinking poses even in moderation. for all you know, maybe your abiltiy to hold back alcohol is only strong because theres not a huge reason to hold back and theres no preasure. But there are some conditions you can get that your doctor will tell you not to drink at all untill its healed. at that point you might find out that drinking little was easy, but not drinking at all is hard. Pregnancy is probablly the most obvious one. And to make matters worse sometimes the condition is one thats not ment to be healed and youll have for the rest of your life. making the edurance that much more difficult. Annother reason to shun alcohol altogether is for the sake of your friends who want to give up on it. maybe you have a friend whose trying to stop an adiction to alcohol. and if you drink, your not really going to be an encouraging influence. ever heard a little kid say to his parents "my friends parents lets him do this, why cant i?". Despite no parents being involved here, the idea remains the same that seeing someone being able to do something that you cant do makes you want it all the more. Now your friend is likley not a little kid. While its true that its up to them to curb the addiction and not you, If they are truley your friend and you want to help them, Giving up alcohol that your not addicted to is not exactly a very big price to pay to help your friend who is addicted. I would compare it to when friends say that they will both go on a diet together. And if youve ever tried to diet, you know how much more easier that can make it. Annother reason that might be more dangerous then the last two is that this world is a very big place filled with all kinds of exotic alcoholic drinks of varying tastes and alcohol contents. Its very possible that there is one you have yet to discover. Most people who are hooked on alcohol are drinking for some reason other then the taste. Imagine being hooked because it taste so good you cant give it it up(again, people who have tried dieting know what i mean). It would be twice as worse if those varying alcohol contenets i mentioned played in and you got stuck loving one of the most dangerous drinks out there. Its very possible that none of these reasons will ever apply to you, but there are plenty others i didnt mention. Like the potential to ifluence your kids who might enjoy the tase of alcohol better then you and have more trouble then you do resiting it. Or if you have a sudden emergency that requires you to drive somewhere. You dont necisarilly have to be wasted to have a alcohol breath content high enough to get you arrested. In short, i believe keeping away from alcohol entirley is cutting the head off the snake. If you have a standered against alcohol that strong, in all likleyhood your resistance angainst all other dangerous addictions will simply fall into place.

For Several years, wrestling companies have represented the top contender in the business with the title of “World Championship”. The concept of a world champion originated in 1905 thanks to a man named Georg Hackenschmidt. Georg Hackenschmidt was a wrestler from Russia who began his career in 1898. He had wrestled in various tournaments in countries across Asia and Europe winning them left and right. He eventually came to America to challenge a man who had a similar reputation for winning in his own country named Tom Jenkins. On May 4 1905, Hackenschmidt and Jenkins wrestled a match in New York City in which Hackenschmidt won. Hackenschmidt was then proclaimed the World Champion Of Wrestling. The original world title under its original moniker no longer exist today only for one real reason: back in those days there were no wrestling television shows. Every event was what is known today as a “Live Event”. A live event is simply a non-televised show. A major difference between televised events and live events today is that since only a small group of people witness it, they can easily veer away from the story continuity of the television events without causing confusion. When it comes to the storylines, only what’s televised matters. Well since Live Events was all there was back then, sometimes news of a title changing hands doesn’t reach the general public in certain areas. Sometimes a title change is only acknowledge in the place it happened while the loser continutes to be recognized elsewhere. This caused disputable claims to the title to pop up from time to time. While the companies who found out about the various claims tried their best to end the disputes by arranging title matches between the title claimers, it never ever cleaned it up permantly. But in 1948 a company known as the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) was founded together by six different wrestling promoters who had a goal of ending the frequent disputable title claims. Upon the company’s inception, a company known as the Midwest Wrestling Association joined with it. Their MWA championship was then renamed the NWA Championship. The promoter’s plan was to travel to places and unify the various claims with there championship. They’re company was big enough that news of a title change could be more legitimate. Eventually all the major world titles in America had been unified. But unfortunately this only meant disputes between title claims would happen less often. It did not by any means keep it from ever happening again. See as its name implies, the NWA is an “Alliance of several major wrestling subsidiaries. They sometimes had debates among one another regarding a title change (ironic considering this is exactly what they were trying to avoid) or sometimes over a company breaking off from the NWA whilst still claiming the former holder of the NWA championship as a holder of some random new title that they invent since they cant take the original title with them. While the NWA Championship as a namesake still exists and is defended today, In my opinion, there are some disputable claims to it out there that debate weather or not the current day NWA championship is the true title that carries the lineage. The first of these Disputes came about in 1960 when one of the NWA subsidiaries know as the America Wrestling Association (AWA) broke away from the NWA. The previous holder of the NWA championship, Pat O’Connor was declared the first AWA world champion to make up for his loss of the NWA title in the break off. This Dispute if mainly irrelevant to the topic because as of 1990, the AWA title has been retired. Another Dispute happened in 1963 when The NWA championship, then held by Buddy Rogers, was defended in a match against Lou Thez. Thez won the title but Certain people in the company were upset at this title change because it was won after just one “Fall”(A Fall in Pro Wrestling is defined as one of the following: Pinning the opponents shoulders to the mat for a count of three, Putting your opponent in a submission hold and forcing them to submit) as opposed to the typical Two out of Three falls match up that was traditional in that day. As a result, the company Bubby Rogers was associated with known as the WWWF (the Modern day WWE) broke way from the NWA and declared Rogers the first WWWF champion. The most cluttered dispute was probably in 1991. By this time, the name NWA was slowly starting to fade away in favor of one its more successful subsidiaries: World Championship Wrestling (WCW) the NWA title was renamed the WCW championship in 1991 after a Wrestler named Sting lost the title to Ric Flair. Later that same year, Flair left the company for The WWF (Name Changed from WWWF) whilst still champion. WCW was forced to name a new WCW champion. Eventually WCW decided to revive the Name of the NWA championship, but as a new title whilst keeping the WCW title as is. Flair returned to WCW in 1993 eventually winning the NWA championship once again. Soon NWA decided to break away from WCW. They took the NWA title with them as always. But WCW continued to recognize Flairs title reign under the tile moniker of the WCW International Championship. It would appear at this point that there are three disputable NWA titles besides the NWA Tile itself: The WWF Championship, the WCW World Championship, and the WCW International Championship. However, believe it or not, all these title claims were eventually unified. In June 1994 Ric flair held the WCW World Championship, and Sting held the WCW International Championship. The two had a match to unify the titles. Flair won and the unified title was now know simply as the WCW Championship. In 2001, WCW went bankrupt and was bought out by the WWF in the spring of that year. WWF then did a famous story angle known as the Invasion where Shane Mc Mahon (This is all story only mind you) the son of WWF owner Vince Mc Mahon secretly signed his name to the contract of WCW’s ownership without his fathers consent. Vince’s daughter Stephanie did the same thing with another recent acquisition of another bankrupt wrestling company known as Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). The two did this out of bitterness towards their father after an affair he had. The combined team of Shane, Stephanie, and the newly purchased rosters of both WCW and ECW were known as “The Alliance” and their only goal was to drive WWF into the ground. The alliance was eventually defeated later that November. But the acquisition of WCW brought along the WCW championship to the WWF. In The December of 2001, The WWF championship and the WCW championship were unified in a tournament with Chris Jericho Being the winner. For some time the title was referred to as the Undisputed Championship. But when the WWF was renamed the WWE, it changed its name to the WWE championship. A name that remains with it today. There was one last disputable title created later in the decade. In 2002, a wrestle by the name of Jeff Jarrett found a wrestling company alongside his father named Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling (TNA Wrestling). They founded it with the help of what people remained on board of the NWA staff. The NWA championship was the world tile for TNA. But in 2007, The NWA decided to sever ties with TNA right before TNA was supposed to air a Pay-per-View where the NWA title was to be defended. As a result, they had then champion Christian Cage enter his match holding a brand new title Known as the TNA World Championship. Which they then used as their world championship. After that, the NWA joined up with a wrestling company known as Ring Of Honor. An event happened there that most people would not accredit to having created a title dispute. But I believe it may possibly have. In June of 2008 then NWA champion Adam Pearce faced Ring Of Honors own world champion Nigel Mcguiness to unify the titles. However despite the fact that Mcguinness had pinned Pearce for the three count and appeared to have won, earlier in the match pearce had been thrown out of the ring. Which Ring Of Honor had a rule against, but no one acknowledged it until the match had ended. Thus both men retained their titles. As of today, There are Four titles I believe are potential disputable versions of the NWA championship: The title bearing the name of the NWA championship, The WWE Championship, The TNA World Championship, and the Ring Of Honor World Championship. In My opinion, the most legitimate claim to the title goes to the WWE championship. While I do not believe the WWE title gained this lineage when it was created, I do believe that the WCW International Championship was a legitimate claim to the NWA championship that broke away from WCW at the time. And as already explained, The WCW International Title eventually got unified with the WWE Championship. Note that there are plenty of other World titles created around the world that have no association with the original NWA Championship. For Example: WWE has a second World Title known simply as the World Heavyweight Championship that they created once they created a second TV show so they could have a world champion on each show. Of course the amount of legitimacy and prestige a title has can be accredited a lot to its history. That’s why Titles like this will never be as valuable as the ones already gone over. As seen so far, the concept of Disputable title claims has become a whole lot less messy since the early nineteen hundreds. Being that there is only four remaining disputable claims to the original world champion ship while originally there were tons across the country. Weather or not these reaming titles will ever be unified remains to be seen. It seems that it wont happen anytime soon considering i'm one of the few people who put this much time into tracing the original world titles lineage. But considering all it took to bring the titles to this point in the first place, id say that it’s still very possible. If There have only been less disputes as the years go on, whose not to say that that pattern will continue and that someday. We will have one world title again, one world title that can stake the same claim to fame as the one that Georg Hackinschmidt Incepted back in 1905.
