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Tropers / Koopinator

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Koopinator, Also known as The_Koopinator, KoopinatorTheGreatest, Koopinator 1, Razor Blade Brigadier, RBB, That one guy you fight in chapter 3 of TTYD, Is a not a roleplayer despite being the namesake of a TTYD character. Actually, I got the name from when i was a roleplayer in personal circles.

I've made 2 works, Neither of which were published:

  • I've made a story with an incomprehensible plot, Other than that a silver knight fights a black knight and then other things happen. The story was lost, Never to be found again.
    • Heck, Even a recreation is impossible. It was so long ago that many of the details are lost to time.
    • It was developed from ~2007 - ~2011

My other work is quite finished and quite comprehensible. The story is actually crap, But the fact that it's understandable is a noticable improvement.

  • It's about mario doing stuff to complex for me to explain, You have to see it to understand. It's ~200 pages long, And it was in developement from 11th of june 2014 to october 20th, 2016. It may or may not be published, But it's fully readable (Albeit crap)

I've made other stories, But only these where worthwhile. I am currently interested In the roman monarchy, The roman replublic, The roman Empire, The byzantine empire, The empire of trebizond and the empire of nicea.

Also i am a member of /r/jontron of reddit.

Actually the user description snaps in two.
