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Tropers / Teramort Queen

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Teramort Queen- a shy, quiet, Chicagoan semi-hipster who adores cliches (when done well), speech, musical theatre, and That Guy With The Glasses, and hates Rom Coms, Hollywood's standards of beauty, and White Castle Sliders.

I'm currently writing a novel (my name comes from one of the locations, in fact), which I pray someday gets a page of its own. =3

Tropes that Apply:

Adorkable: Your Milage May Vary

Gosh Dang It to Heck!: I only ever swear when I'm around friends- and even then it's rare.

Loners Are Freaks: Averted (I hope).

Refuge in Audacity: What most of my hangouts with my friends consist of

Self-Deprecation: Unfortunately common.
