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Tropers / Tails

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A fairly inactive troper, who nevertheless is prone to even thinking, or nearly saying This Troper offline. In the same spirit, this page is virtually empty. It'll get done eventually.

Tropes he has launched
  • None Yet

Titles he has launched

Tropes that he's considered making but was too lazy (Feel free to YKTTW them)

  • Face Your Demons: The tendency of demons to have faces on their stomachs. (Prime example: Ghosts N Goblins)
  • Ascended Dragon: When the Big Bad is defeated by outside causes, and a loyal dragon ends up taking his place. (Prime Example: Skies Of Arcadia)
    • The trope is Dragon Ascendant, I'm not sure if it's new or if I just missed it somehow.
  • Space Music: The tendency for series taking place in space to have a certain musical tone. Often with a One-Woman Wail (Prime Example: Star Trek)
  • Oshiri Pen Pen!: It's currently included in the Bring It trope, but I really think the butt pat taunt deserves it's own page, it certainly has enough examples. (Prime Example: Tons as I said, even my namesake did it once ^_^)
  • Dumbass is a Dumbass!: When it seems Dumb Ass Has A Point, except said point ends up going horribly wrong, subverting the trope. (Prime Example: The only case I can think of right now is in the Alaskan Bullworm episode of Spongebob Squarepants.)
  • Allegedly Neutral: Characters who claim to be True Neutral, but which clearly take sides, generally towards Neutral Good. (Prime Example: The Watcher)
  • Silent Planet: City in a Bottle applied to an entire world. It may be in a separate dimension, or simply cut off from the universe at large. The key detail being that it's as hard to get out as it is to get in. It may explain the reason we've never encountered alien life before the story takes place, lead to a Trapped in Another World situation, or result in an Outside-Context Villain. (Prime Example: Earth with the Warp Storms in the past of Warhammmer40000, or our universe at the end of Star Ocean 3. The trope name comes from Out Of The Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis.)
  • Die For Metal: The tendency for bands, particularly Metal bands, to sing about the genre they are singing. (The Trope Namer is the song by Man O War which is only one of their many songs on the subject. They may very well be the Most Triumphant Example.)
    • Whoops, this one I definitely missed, it's Heavy Meta.
  • The Goldar Effect: Named for the Power Rangers villain, when a series changes the Big Bad every arc or two, but The Dragon tends to stay the same regardless of who's in charge. The name could use work, as Goldar only fulfilled this role two or three times, but he's still the most prolific example I could think of.

Tropes That Apply to Him

  • I'll get back to you on that.

You may be looking for someone else.
