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Tropers / Slawterer

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slawterer is a brand new troper. His first edit was on the Red Shirts page, though he has been surfing TV Tropes for many months now. For some unknown reason, he prefers his name spelt without the capital, and has a habit of writing about himself in the third person.

slawterer runs several forums on the internet, one of which is a brand new Role-Playing site where there are tropes a-plenty.

slawterer is a big ran of RPGs, particularly Final Fantasy VII.

For reference, Corrupt Male Menace started off as The Man Behind the Man for slawterer, getting the latter hooked on this wiki so that he could simply dictate necessary edits to his new patsy, rather than bother doing it himself. CMM has since Taken Several Levels In Vigilante Taxonomist and is now a worse example of a troper than slawterer ever was, lurking almost constantly in the bowels of the site while his individuality is eaten away by the slew of pop culture. Indeed, he wrote this very spiel just to see how long it takes slawterer to notice. My, how the mighty have fallen.
