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Tropers / Premium Irritation

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A troper known as a huge Entry Pimp of the Survival Of The Fittest series, who at one stage was responsible for the vast majority of the SotF wicks on Tv tropes. Since becoming an admin of the aforementioned roleplaying site, however, Premium's trope time has become more limited and is mostly now restricted to grumbling at people messing with the main page of the article and hunting down erroneous wicks. (Some people still think Survival Of The Fittest is a trope, not a work)

Tropes applying to this troper include:

Memetic Mutation: Of her roleplaying, at least. She seems to have a habit of writing eminently exaggeratable characters.

Berserk Button: Trolls systematically deleting SotF/Web Original wicks.

Drives Like Crazy: Put her behind the wheel of any game where driving is involved. Watch ensuing carnage.

Entry Pimp: For obvious reasons.

Evil Brit: According to most of the members of the site she helps run, anyway.
