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Tropers / Oyashenron

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Hi there! I'm a longtime lurker here and I've just decided to really become part of the community. I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada and I can't wait to get out of here! I'm the author of When They Cry: Decay (An ongoing Mind Screw Crossover between Higurashi and Umineko) and I make AMVs. Personality wise I'm kind of quiet, but once I get to know people I never shut up. I like to have fun, but keep it clean. I don't drink, smoke or anything like that and I try to stay out of trouble. I'm known as Thepocalypse on a number of other sites.


Oyashenron provides examples of:

  • Anime Hair: Intentionally. Somewhat similar to Jeremiah Gottwald's.
  • Archive Binge: Constantly. I never allow Continuity Lockout to take hold.
  • Break the Cutie: My first and second years of middle school.
  • The Chessmaster: I'm not proud of it, but I'm very good at manipulating people and have used it as part of a Xanatos Gambit or two.
  • Fan Dumb: I devolve into an idiot fanboy at times. I also tend to claim It's Popular, Now It Sucks!.
  • Hollywood Nerd: I'm popular with the mainstream crowd at school despite my blatant nerdiness. I'm constantly told how handsome I am and I'm not bad at sports, leading me to suspect I'm a Real Life Marty Stu. My life is poorly written enough for that to be true.
  • In the Hood: I'm fond of a black hoodie I bought last year because the hood is large enough to shroud my face in shadow. This has come in handy more than once.
  • Magnificent Bastard: I've had people realize too late that I'd been playing them and discover I'm one of these.
  • One Of Us: The less popular kids at school feel comfortable with me because I was in the same boat a while back.
  • Purity Sue: I've been described this way by people and they often say it's my main appeal.
  • Smug Snake: When I'm in a nasty mood I can turn into this.
  • The Stoic: Always. I don't talk unless I really have something to say and I've developed a tendency to stare off into the distance thoughtfully.
  • Unwanted Harem: This does happen in Real Life apparently. I've suddenly developed one this year.
