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Tropers / Omegagreen 24

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Omegagreen 24 is someone who constantly reads TV Tropes unlike everyone else he knows. He began his journey in 2015 when looking up Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky on the internet when he met this site. He was curious as he had heard Minecraft's disclaimers that TV Tropes is more addictive than it. Unfortunately, it was right. It has led him to reading many webcomics and thoroughly analysing his favourite computer games, but got too frightened off by the Edit lock countdoun timer to figure out how to fix any errors. He also wonders why he wrote this entire article in the third person.

Tropes associated that he would care to name:

Cloudcuckoolander Really, he even lampshaded being a temporary Third-Person Person. He will walk for four hours just because he thinks a particular spot has nice lighting.

Determinator Will walk for eight hours straight.

O.O.C. Is Serious Business If he swears, then it means something has gone horribly wrong around about "Nuclear war" amounts of wrong.

TV Tropes will ruin your life Not his, just a couple of his friends after listening to him for too long.
