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Tropers / No Lily On My Grave

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  • I'm Always Female.
  • I like to think I have Most Common Super Power, but according to Breasts In Anime And Manga, I'm a Funyuu.
  • I'm very much a Brainy Brunette.
  • Daughter of an Education Mama. Legit: I once got all A's and one C. The C was in physics. I got yelled at for the C. *facepalm*
  • I'm a Mad Mathematician, but hey it got me a 5 for my AP Calculus AB exam, didn't it?
  • I subvert Legal Jail Bait. In 9th grade, somebody asked me how I felt about being a senior. In 11th grade, I was mistaken for my dad's wife in a store. And assumed to be a teacher... which was strange.
  • While looking on Always Female for tropes that fit me, I encountered Lesbian Vampire. And I believe that would have made Twilight a LOT better.
  • I used to have a crush on Sheik from Legend Of Zelda, but as I matured that turned into... well you know. I was so mad when Sheik turned out to be Zelda.
  • I have Blue Eyes, and I'd like to think they fall under Option 1.
  • I watch Glee. Don't judge me.
  • I like Brunette jokes. They're epic.
  • I'm majoring in Mechanical Engineering, but I hope I never have to charge into battle like The Engineer.
  • I'm a Type B Tsundere. commonly referred to as "being a bitch", but whatever.
