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Tropers / Nashimi

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  • Real name is Monika, aged 18, born and currently living in Poland (which basically means English is not my first language and any mistakes on my part are sincerely apologized for).
  • Aspiring cartoonist; while this is my dream profession, I do realize that chances of succeeding in the art industry are quite slim, so therefore it is not my priority.
  • Agnostic. I bear no interest in what awaits me after my death, because it is not related to me in any way - the alive do not deal with things that happen to the soul after the body is killed, so what's the point in pondering?
    • Neither do I care about what, or who, created the world.
  • I love small animals, especially dogs, and especially chihuahuas!
  • Comedy is what I live for.
  • I still think that "What's up, doc?" is funny.

     Fandoms I actively participate in and/or possibly give huge Entry Pimps, or just merely stuff that I adore 
     Kinda important contributions 
