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Tropers / Moosehp

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To complain is a right, but, just like every other right, there's a responsibility behind it. The right to complain comes with the responsibility of doing something to make things better.
Moosehp on life.

Mexican troper, colorblind, somewhat crazy, computer programmer, bike (as in bicycle) freak, retired kendoka.

She was a big fan of anime and manga and used to be a D&D DM, but nonadays have very little time for them, loves to read books, specially sci-fi. She stopped watching TV. She does enjoy both very deep movies and very bad movies as well. She likes most kinds of music (from Opera to Heavy Metal, from Pop to Classic Rock, from Sarah Brightman to Lady Gaga, from Tchaikovsky to The Beatles) but she hates reggeaton and "banda".

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