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Tropers / Lord Siravant

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Lord Siravant is a fairly prolific fanfiction writer on and He writes mainly crossovers, particularly with The Legend of Zelda. This page deals more with the author's personal information than story-related information, as he is also a Troper.

Lord Siravant's main ongoing stories include:

The Equestrian Wind Mage (Crossover: The Legend of Zelda/My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)

The Legend of Ed: Majora's Mask (Crossover: The Legend of Zelda/Ed Eddn Eddy)

The Legend of Link and the Teufort Nine (Crossover: The Legend of Zelda/Team Fortress 2)

The War Of The Golden Powers (Crossover: The Legend of Zelda/The Lord of the Rings)

Beyond the Final Frontier: Clash of Giants (Crossover: Star Wars/Star Trek)

Tropes concerning the author include:

  • Animal Lover: Most definitely. He's especially fond of cats, but loves animals in general, to the point he would get upset when people killed insects in front of him in his youth.
  • Appearance Angst: He has severe self-esteem issues, especially concerning his body weight and looks.
  • Asperger's Syndrome: He has this, as does most of his friend group.
  • Author Appeal: He has two in particular; huge battles and navel fetishism.
  • Crisis Crossover: He's particularly fond of this type of crossover, The Equestrian Wind Mage being his best-known example.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He admits to being a sucker for this concept.
  • My Beloved Smother: Had to deal with this for most of his life until she died suddenly.
  • Nature Lover: He's very supportive of environmentalism and conservation efforts, and grew up exploring the high deserts of the Mojave.
  • Romantic Asexual: His specified orientation. He has romantic feelings, but doesn't like sex.
  • Sunk Cost Fallacy: Admittedly a weakness of his, as he hates the feeling of wasted effort.
  • The So-Called Coward: Personality-wise, he's fairly timid and shy, but if people he loves and cares about are threatened or upset he will jump to their defense.
