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Tropers / Hawkbit Alpha

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Hello! My name is Travis Hawkins. You pulled up my Troper page. Prepare to be presented with information.

I'm a college student (studying poli sci), sometimes political debater, and full-time late-bloomer brony (sue me!) with a knack for snark. A bit much, you might say. I've also kicked around ideas of amateur writing in my head over the last few years, in the form of a My Life as a Teenage Robot spinoff fanfic I conceived in August '18, working-titled In Harm's Way. Truly, I owe a lot to TV Tropes in learning ways of how not to write things.

I'm not a member of an underground internet community. However, I may be related to good old Colonel Hawkins. Ahem.

Some other places I can be found:
