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Tropers / Fiery Raven

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Describe FieryRaven here.

Oh, hello there. I didn't see you come in. Sit down, relax, have some tea. Let all of your worries flow away. You feel very sleepy. On the count of three, you will fall asleep. One, Two, Thr *Snoring*
Sorry, wanted to try that out sometime. Anyway, on with the description.
FieryRaven is a troper who first found this website in the good ol' year of 2018. He spent the next 2 years watching this wiki from the sidelines like a creeper until he finally manned up and asked TV Tropes for an account. He has an almost addiction to video games, and especially cares for Kingdom Hearts and Nintendo. He also likes Star Wars, Harry Potter, and other nerdy things. He is not really of any consequence to the world, and honestly probably doesn't deserve an account, but he threatened us with a gun. He needs to get a life. Through experimentsnote  can prove that TV Tropes will indeed ruin your life.
Enjoys existing, and may sometimes exist in an area near you.
Makes weird choices sometimes like speaking in the third person for his page.
Rambles on for so long he falls asle... *More Snoring*
