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Trivia / The Simpsons S 9 E 4 Treehouse Of Horror VIII

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  • Deleted Scene:
    • In "The Homega Man", Krusty is walking out of a stage door of his studio making a reservation to a restaurant — but gets only static as the nuclear explosion passes by him and the studio, leaving him dead. This one actually managed to get into the commercials aired by Fox in the week leading up to the episode's premiere.
    • At the power plant, Homer turns Mr Burns' chair around and says, "Who’s the boss now! Damn straight!" However, he quickly gets bored and leaves.
    • In "Fly vs Fly", after Homer tells Marge that he's crazy, Marge tells Professor Frink that she is less interested in crazy gizmos and she's more interested in regular things — like for instance, cornholders. Most likely cornholders. She asks Frink if he has any cornholders, whereupon he gives her cornholders.
    • In Bart's "Superfly" fantasy he saves Skinner from bullies — only to drop him into a volcano.
    • Fly Bart sees a bunch of flies and asks what's going on. When he sees them decomposing a dead pigeon, he finds it disgusting and flies off.
  • Executive Meddling: In "Homega Man", Homer originally danced naked on the altar of the church. The censors objected and it was reanimated so that he just danced in the front row.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • According to the DVD Commentary / The Other Wiki, a lot of material was cut from the "Fly vs Fly" segment — besides the above-mentioned deleted scenes the original ending, rather than having Homer chase Bart with an axe, had everybody ride a restored but now gigantic fly to the Springfield Mall.
    • Fox Censor was supposed to be stabbed with a dagger, but the actual censors found that too gruesome. So it's changed to a cutlass in the finished episode.
    • Kang and Kodos' brief appearance was almost cut. David X. Cohen managed to persuade the producers to leave the scene in.
    • Homer was originally going to dance naked on the church's altar in the first segment. It was changed to him dancing in the row.
