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Trivia / Rise of Legends

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  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The only way to access the game nowadays is through pirated rom copies and abandonware sites.
  • What Could Have Been: The game was released practically half made. There were designs not for one, but three different "fourth races", one of which was to be included in the game. That means that an entire quarter of the storyline, and entire quarter of the units and heroes and strategies and game mechanics, never saw the light of day. Each of the three "theoretical races" seems to have been at least as original and well thought out as the three that made it into the game... The Kahan were based upon Mongolian culture and mythology, and might have had mobile cities on the back of enormous beasts of burden (and in fact, the map editor still has some icons for their heroes and units). The Skald were based on Finnish mythology with touches of Slavic and Norse, and built cities of ice. Least detailed and most mysterious are the Kragar, which appear to have been some kind of race of bestial giants.
    • The world map was also meant to be much bigger, likely to accommodate those other factions.
