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Trivia / Object Madness

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  • Cancellation: Due to lack of motivation from the creator. And also the name he came up with for Puffbull when he decided to remove the BFDI characters from the show.
  • Schedule Slip: Ever since the second episode came out, 3 years has passed since the first episode came out. The reason for this is due to the creator being too busy with his life to make the series.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Cup was going to be a boy, but was changed to a girl to balance out the gender ratio.
    • The show was originally meant to be called "Insanity Island" but was changed because it sounded like Inanimate Insanity.
    • Bryan revealed three things that would have happened in episode 3 in the video explaining why Object Madness was cancelled.
      • The three Battle for Dream Island Guest Fighters were going to be pulled by Four.
      • Cherry (who was supposed to be eliminated) would have been sent into a world of magic rather than being Taken for Granite like Football did. He would have been cursed by a witch and would be forced to enact a Heel–Face Turn in order to break free.
      • Puffbull would reveal that his real name would be "Buffy", and would mention that the nickname was actually forced onto him by Puffball.
