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Trivia / Never Rarely Sometimes Always

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  • Dueling Works: With two other films that shared a very similar "abortion road trip" premise, HBO Max's Unpregnant and Hulu's Plan B (2021), though Never Rarely opts for a drama-centric approach rather than the more comedic Road Trip Plot of the others. Never Rarely received higher marks from critics and audiences (though both have been well-received), as well as a much higher amount of ratings (indicating more viewership). Plan B TBD (though pre-release reviews are also strong).
  • Early-Bird Release: Just days into the start of its platform theatrical run, the COVID-19 Pandemic shut down cinemas nationwide, effectively cancelling its release for most audiences. While it was initially withheld from digital distribution (unlike fellow Universal & Focus releases The Invisible Man, Emma and The Hunt) as the studio weighed whether to save it for when theaters re-opened, it was eventually made available on digital platforms on April 3.
