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Trivia / Mystery Science Theater 3000 S09 E07: Hobgoblins

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  • Creator Backlash: Ultimately subverted. In a surprising twist, Rick Sloane actually brought his own work to the Brains' attention; he thought they did a good job with it and enjoyed the episode, but was mortified at first to see it end with them insulting him so personally towards the end (something fairly uncommon for the show). He later conceded that he did ask for it, and commented that his relationship with MST3K was a somewhat symbiotic one — he hurt them, they hurt him back — that gave him the retroactive notoriety to do a sequel.
    • This sequel would end up in the hands of RiffTrax in 2023.
    • Daran Norris said in a 2013 podcast interview that he'd seen and enjoyed the episode, and thought the crack about "no life after Drama Club" directed towards him was Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Creator's Favorite: This is Emily Marsh's favorite episode, although she insists has nothing to do with Bobo being in love with a chimp named Emily.
  • Deleted Role: Best Brains cut all the scenes featuring McCreedy's boss for time. In the episode, he can only be heard yelling over the phone in the final scene.
  • What Could Have Been: Originally, Best Brains was planning to do Vice Academy, another Rick Sloane picture, after they acquired the rights to it from the move to Sci-Fi. However, they felt the film was too sexual, so they contacted Sloane to see if he had anything else. He offered two other films he did, Blood Theatre and The Visitants, but Brains ended up not finding either all that interesting to riff. Finally, he ended up sending them a little known film he did called Hobgoblins... and the rest is history.
    • Blood Theatre wound up being tackled by RiffTrax years later.
