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Trivia / Me and My Dick

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  • Cast Incest: A lot of viewers were squicked out by Joey Richter and Jamie Lyn Beatty playing a couple due to them having last played brother and sister, Ron and Ginny, in A Very Potter Musical.
  • The Danza: Joey Richter, who gets the Full-Name Basis version of this trope. Given the nature of Joey's character in this play this is a pretty heavy dollop of Self-Deprecation (and would've had even more Reality Subtext had Darren Criss played Dick as originally planned).
  • Magnum Opus Dissonance:
    • Slightly. This show rarely gets mentioned as a favorite Starkid show by fans (see Audience-Alienating Premise above), but Matt and Nick Lang think of it as a bit of a Creator's Favorite Episode and regularly say if they did have the opportunity to go back and revive/rework one of their old shows, this would be at the top of the list. (This is likely partly because, unlike other old shows, there's no intellectual property issues involved with this one.)
    • Whatever you think of the story of the musical, the songs are definitely gems, especially for Starkid fans attached to the "Darren Criss era" of their music. The Apocalyptour gives this show unexpected prominence, using "Me and My Dick" and "Finale (Heaven on Earth)" as Book Ends for the whole show.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot: This was originally a play written for a 24-hour theatre festival, meaning it really was just put together from whatever popped in Matt and Nick Lang's heads over the course of a single evening of writing (24-hour festivals have the writers create the whole script in one night, with the actors' rehearsal taking place over the next day).
  • What Could Have Been: The original 24-hour play version of this script had Darren Criss play Dick, continuing the joke about him and Joey Richter being Heterosexual Life-Partners from when they were cast as Harry and Ron.
    • Darren and Joey weren't just friends at the time but roommates, which adds even more subtext to the idea of Joey and Dick sneaking in special time together before getting to school.
    • Longtime Starkid fans have commented on how unfortunate it was Lauren Lopez wasn't available for this one, since she seems to exactly fit Joey's description of Vanessa as "that tiny little hot Jewish girl". (This may be influenced by Richpez shippers.) Ironically, in the SPACE Tour version of "Ready to Go", Lauren sings as Tiffany, not Vanessa. She does, however, play Vanessa in a memorable non-speaking cameo in A Very Starkid Reunion.
    • Surprisingly enough given this show's entry under Audience-Alienating Premise on the YMMV tab, this show was actually made with hopes of getting on Broadway. After John Tartaglia's offer to produce and star in a Broadway run of A Very Potter Musical failed to pan out, the Langs and Brian Holden decided to move forward with a show that had no intellectual property issues and that would appeal to the raunchy sensibilities of Tartaglia (who is best known for starring as Princeton and Rod in Avenue Q) or someone like him. Sadly, this also failed to pan out.
