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Trivia / Kitboga

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  • Corpsing: Kit will often have to turn aside to chuckle at the sheer ridiculousness of something happening on one of the phone calls with the scammers. This is generally easy enough, given that it's a phone call, and the time spent not talking can easily be played off as something like not hearing the scammer, therefore wasting a bit more of their time.
    • In this video about puppy scams, he can't help from busting out laughing at the site's claim that a particular individual puppy is "backordered," though he manages to recover enough to keep the scammer from getting suspicious.
    • In another video, Kitboga runs a fake/parody version of Windows called "Windows RG" note  (actually not the first time he's done it) simply to see if the scammers will even notice. As a scammer tries to claim that everything going on is happening because of a virus, he cracks up and notes on the screen "Scammer can hear this."
    • A sound effect plays much louder and for quite a longer amount of time than he intended, causing him to struggle to keep it together.
  • Development Hell: A collaboration with fellow scambaiter Jim Browning has reportedly been in the works on-and-off for a long time, but has never gotten off the ground as neither creator has been happy with the result.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot: The Running Gag of Kit's characters rattling off a disclaimer about not being professionally certified when they claim to be a doctor or lawyer is in-part because Kit prefers to play it safe in regards to the legal implications of pretending to be a professional to deceive someone.
