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Trivia / Jules and Jim

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  • Darkhorse Casting: Henri Serre was an unknown actor performing comedy in a club when he was cast as Jim. He was cast because of his physical resemblance to Henri-Pierre Roché.
  • Doing It for the Art: When the production ran out of money, Jeanne Moreau bailed it out with her own personal financial contribution.
  • No Budget: The production was so small and had so little money that Jeanne Moreau was often called upon to lend her Rolls Royce for ferrying around props. She even did some of the catering, particularly in the scenes where Jim visits Jules and Catherine in Germany. When the production ran out of money, she bailed it out with her own personal financial contribution.
  • No Stunt Double: Jeanne Moreau had to jump into a river because her stunt double turned up drunk. She then had to spend two days ill in bed.
  • Write What You Know: Henri-Pierre Roché's original novel was based on his own experiences as a young man. The original Catherine was still alive when the film was released and even attended the premiere incognito.
