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Trivia / Johannes Cabal

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  • Out of Order:
    • The series is not always written in chronological order-the first story written, Blustery Day takes place after Exeunt Demon King but also before-Exeunt Demon King is framed by Cabal telling a story of his past to someone in a period roughly after The Necromancer. Likewise, "Ereshkigal Working" was published after Necromancer but takes place before it. The main reason for this is that Howard will often expand on things only briefly alluded to previously-Rufus Maleficarus first appears in Necromancer but its not the first time he met Cabal.
    • "Ouroboros Ouzo" plays with this as Cabal is granted visions of his personal potential futures-he sees himself as a ghoul and as a mechanical butler, which are references to Fear Institute and "House of Gears" respectively.
