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Trivia / Hyperbole and a Half

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  • Creator Breakdown:
    • Allie has suffered majorly from this, putting the comic on semi-permanent hiatus while she battles depression.
    • She made a series of comics about her depression, two of which made it into her first book. She was so depressed that she openly talked about committing suicide in front of her mother, and was annoyed when she got upset.
    • In May of 2012, she posted on Reddit to let people know what's going on. The page above was a temporary respite before diving much deeper into depression. Fortunately, she's getting help, has a supportive and caring family, and has received far more messages of concern and well-wishing than anger over her lack of updates.
    • Her second book detailed how, in the intervening period between then and her last update, she required surgery for several benign tumorous masses which caused major internal bleeding and worsened her depression, she divorced (willingly giving up custody of their two dogs), and her sister committed suicide.
      "Saying my health deteriorated would be like describing the sun as large; technically accurate, but it doesn't really give you a sense of scale."
  • Series Hiatus: The series went on hiatus in May 2011 due to Allie's depression, except for a handful of posts about the subject (and one about a childhood dinosaur costume, which was posted in 2013 and as of 2020 is still the last entry). She has since broken it on September 2020, for a brief update regarding her second, now completed and published book which is up for sale. It remains to be seen if newer more regular updates would follow. Unfortunately, even checking for new updates in the standard way is hard to do in 2022, because somehow trojan horse malware has taken up residence in the website.
