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Trivia / From Fake Dreams

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  • Creator's Pest: Third Fang has gone on record as stating Rin is his least favorite of the female cast. He doesn't hate her, but considers her rather bland and boring in comparison to the other female characters. As such, he admits his reasoning for subjecting her to a Trauma Conga Line in the fic is a result of that.
  • Schedule Slip: A frequent offender, but From Fake Dreams is second priority compared to Third Fangs primary work, Yet again, with a little extra help and its sequel, Take Two, Round Two.
  • Word of Dante: One of the things Third Fang has regretted is creating the term "Incarnation" for individuals who have matching Origins and Elements such as Shirou as this has caused people to either take it as canon falling into this trope, or getting angry messages about how God Never Said That which he's already aware of.
