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Trivia / ElfQuest

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  • Ascended Fanon: The short-lived ElfQuest roleplaying game featured a supplement called "The Sea Elves", which introduced the titular elven civilization; ocean-faring tribals similar to the Wolfriders who had thrived by bonding with the World of Two Moons' version of dolphins; creatures called "wavedancers". In addition to having been inspired by the short story Siege of Suncliff Island, which had featured in fanzine ElfQuest: Yearnings #1, the comics would later introduce their own official aquatic elf civilization — called the Wavedancers, but here portrayed as living underwater rather than on its surface. In fact, they brought them into continuity twice, as the original Wavedancers storyline was published by a company with whom the Pinis got into a legal dispute with, resulting in the Pinis keeping the name and original concept, but dropping the original storyline and characters.
  • Development Hell: An ElfQuest movie has been 'in turnaround' for at least the past 15 years, but don't jump for joy just yet: in Hollywood jargon, 'in turnaround' simply means 'we'll get to it someday'.
  • What Could Have Been: At one point in the 1980s the original series was optioned as a Saturday-morning cartoon: only after signing the agreement did the Pinis learn that the network would demand to change Leetah's color (because an "interracial marriage" was unacceptable) and her healing powers (it was feared the Religious Right would object to her healing by "laying on of hands"), and to make gentle, psychically-gifted Suntop the tough macho little warrior-type and his sister Ember a secondary fighter at best. The series never happened.

General Trivia

  • After the original ElfQuest series was declined by publishers, including Marvel and DC, the Pinis published it themselves. Both Marvel and DC later offered reprints: Marvel from 1985 to '88 in 32 comic books, DC in four Archives editions from 2003 to 2007.
