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Trivia / Buffy The Vampire Slayer S 6 E 10 Wrecked

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  • Completely Different Title:
    • Armenian: "Ձախողում" (Failure)
    • Czech: "Na dně" (At the Bottom)
    • Finnish: "Kaikki romuna" (All Scrap)
    • French: "Dépendance" (Addiction)
    • German: "Der Fluch der Zauberei" (The Curse of Sorcery)
    • Hungarian: "Töredék" (Fragment)
    • Italian: "Fuori controllo" (Out of Control)
    • Japanese: "難破船" (Shipwreck)
    • Polish: "Wycieńczenie" (Grogginess)
    • Portuguese (Brazil): "Em Ruínas" (In Ruins)
    • Romanian: "Distrus" (Destroyed)
    • Russian: "Провал" (Failure)
    • Spanish (Latin America): "Arruinada" (Ruined)
    • Spanish (Spain): "Náufraga" (Castaway)
  • Deleted Scene: This line was cut due to length:
    Amy: I want to have fun, Willow. I've been in a cage.
    Willow: There was a little ball. And you seemed to enjoy playing with those cardboard toilet paper rolls.
    Amy: As cages go, it was fine. But I was still confined. I've got lost time to make up and if people don't like it, screw them.
  • In Memoriam: This episode was dedicated to the memory of J. D. Peralta, Marti Noxon's assistant.
  • You Look Familiar: Jeff Kober (Rack) played the psycho vamp Kralik in the third season episode "Helpless".
