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Trivia / Buffy the Vampire Slayer S4 E8 "Pangs"

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  • Completely Different Title:
    • Armenian: "Տանջանքներ" (Tortures)
    • French: "L'Esprit vengeur" (The Avenging Spirit)
    • Portuguese (Brazil): "Agonia" (Agony)
    • Finnish: "Lemmentuskia" (Pangs of Love)
    • German: "Der Geist der Qumash" (The Ghost of the Chumash)
    • Hungarian: "Kínok" (Agonies)
    • Polish: "Wyrzuty sumienia" (Pangs of Conscience)
    • Russian: "Страдания" (Suffering)
    • Spanish (Latin America): "Remordimientos" (Regrets)
    • Spanish (Spain): "Angustia" (Angst)
  • Deleted Scene: This exchange was cut due to length:
    Xander: "I didn't mean — you're an EX-vengeance demon. It's totally different."
    Anya: "Sure. It's okay."
  • Never Work with Children or Animals: The bear that plays Hus's bear form was a tame bear that absolutely refused to act menacing in any way. The crew had to repeatedly dissuade him from just bouncing up and down.
  • What Could Have Been: In an early draft of the script, Spike was invited into Giles's apartment by Buffy. However the scene didn't make it to air and the invitation occurs between acts. This was a year before it was established in "Real Me" that only an actual resident could invite a vampire into a domicile.
