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Trivia / Buffy the Vampire Slayer S 4 E 3 "The Harsh Light of Day"

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  • Completely Different Title:
    • French: "Désillusions" (Disillusion)
    • German: "Der Stein von Amara" (The Stone of Amara)
    • Hungarian: "Amara ékköve" (Jewel of Amara)
  • Deleted Scene:
    • An exchange between Willow and Buffy:
      Willow: "You know what else I love about college? How when the professor comes in, the class gets all quiet."
      Buffy: "Oh, I hate that. I'm always like, what? Did something scary come in? Do I have to kill it?"
    • When they see Harmony again:
      Devon: "Man, that looked like Harmony. Weird. I saw her get bit at graduation. I didn't tell you?"
    • Buffy tells Parker, she drowned:
      Parker: "Wow, I mean, you hear about stuff like that."
      Buffy: "Yeah, well, pool safety, important. Anyway…"
    • Another reference to her drowning:
      Parker: "Buffy? When you… drowned, whoever brought you back? They're getting a big kiss from me."
      Buffy: "Xander will be so happy."
    • Anya talks to Xander:
      Xander: "This is just, I'd say out of nowhere, but that doesn't really capture the amount of nowhere which it's out of."
    • Buffy sees Spike again:
      Buffy: "I think you two should go."
      Spike: "But the fun's just starting: old friends, lots to drink…"
    • Anya visits Xander:
      Xander: "So… you're my first guest at Casa del Xander — not the final name, still working on it."
    • Buffy and Giles discuss Spike and Harmony's relationship:
      Buffy: "I mean, I thought Spike and Dru were a forever kind of deal, didn't you? Where's the commitment?"
      Giles: "I'm disillusioned. I shall never love again."
    • Parker and Buffy discuss that everyone has a choice:
      Buffy: "It doesn't feel like it. To me, a lot of the time, it feels like stuff's just coming at me, you know, and I'm reacting as fast as I can, just trying to keep going. Just - just trying to be on my feet before the next thing hits."
      Parker: "That sounds exhausting."
      Buffy: "It really is."
    • Buffy confronts Parker:
      Parker: "Okay, I'm a little confused now. I mean, I definitely got the idea you'd done it before. You were the one who was all over me. It was fun."
    • When Buffy and Willow talk about sleeping with a guy and then he turns evil:
      Willow: "Well, from what I understand, pretty much. But it won't always be like that. You've just had some really bad luck."
      Buffy: "I don't know, Will. Bad luck just happens. I made this happen."
      Willow: "Well, why shouldn't you, if it's what you want? I mean, as long as it's safe. Oh, Buffy, it was safe, wasn't it?
      Buffy: "It was safe. It's not that. It's that the whole time, I kept thinking, hey, look at me with someone who isn't Angel. Look how much I'm not hung up with Angel anymore. Look how this is not all about Angel. God, how come I didn't see it?"
  • Wag the Director: Joss Whedon has mentioned in various interviews that Sarah Michelle Gellar disagreed with Buffy sleeping with Parker. She thought that it was too soon after Angel had left her, and she didn't think that Buffy would do something like that. Whedon told Sarah that when you "go to college, you do stupid things."
