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Trivia / Big Trouble

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  • Acting for Two: Andy Richter plays both security guard Jack Pendick and his (slightly) smarter brother, Ralph, the head of Miami International Airport's security force.
  • Artistic License – Chemistry: Agent Greer asks (not seriously) whether Eliot Arnold, an advertising executive, has the knowledge to disarm "a Russian nuclear warhead with a plutonium rod encased in a terillium core?" What Greer probably meant to say is beryllium (Be), an element used in some atomic weapons. There is no chemical element or compound named terillium.
  • Box Office Bomb: Budget, $40 million. Gross: $8,493,890.
  • Distanced from Current Events: The long-delayed movie as explained at below. Unfortunately, the events that followed the 9/11 attacks also ensured that by the time it wasn't seen as insensitive, it was dated as well— airport security now has the exact opposite problem as the ones in the story, and the FBI wouldn't have to invoke obscure and possibly-phony executive orders now that the Patriot Act exists.
  • Executive Meddling: Both literal and meta. Touchstone required that some of the book's more risque humor be toned down to avoid the Dreaded R Rating, which robbed the story of a lot of the source's satirical humor. Then the film, whose finale involves an armed idiot aboard a plane ended up getting sidelined by reality when the 9/11 attacks happened only ten days before the film's scheduled release. Realizing how tone-deaf (not to mention just flat-out inappropriate) the film would be in the wake of the tragedy, Buena Vista withheld the film's release until the following April and essentially nixed its entire advertising campaign.
  • The Shelf of Movie Languishment: The film was set to open on September 21st, 2001 and had all of its prints ready for shipment by the time of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, New York and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia on the eleventh day of that month. Disney then delayed the film seven months and quietly dumped it by the time the film was released.
  • Write Who You Know: Elliot, as a character, pretty much is Dave Barry, or at least the public image that he projects in his columns.
