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Trivia / Aqua Regia

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  • Author Phobia: Of dystopias and military repression, considering the story of his country, it's understandable.
    • Based on a Dream: Indeed, the whole story was inspired by a nightmare of Fluhor, in which the military junta comes back, considering how things are in Argentina and their... Less than savory rules in their history and nowadays, it's understandable.
  • Bonus Material: INKR has those as extra illustrations in color as indeed, Bonus artworks.
  • Creator Breakdown: Due health issues and topics unrelated to the comic it was on hiatus for some time, but by the end of 2020 was back to read on INKR.
  • Multiple Languages, Same Voice Actor: Downplayed, the original work is in Spanish and it's translated to English by the author. Some phrases, puns and references are thus, lost in the process, and some are better understood in the context it was written, for example, the mate tea the characters usually drink it's not something much readers outside of South America know.
  • Rule 34 – Creator Reactions: Fluhor loves fan made content, either SFW or NSFW based art, he's particularly a shipper of Rouge and Daniel, he retwitted that some time ago.
  • What Could Have Been: Several things were gonna be different:
    • Daniel was gonna have long spiky hair similar to Future Trunks instead of long hair. Didn't wear a scarf to hide his face, and had a much more imposing physique, his weapon of choice also was a generic handgun instead of his Rsh-12.
    • Rouge was more brooding instead of a cheery jerk. Her hair was shorter and multicolored (white, red and black), her fashion much more extravagant, the second design was much more urban like it was ended up being used, while her armor was closer to the one from Zero from the Mega Man X series.
    • Their Ship Tease was MUCH more overt, like... They were flirting mid-mission.
    • The side characters were The Ghost pretty much at that point, only shown through silhouettes, and they wouldn't show until after a flashback sequence that was planned.
    • Anahí was gonna be two different characters altogether, but ended up combining them into one.
    • And the most important thing, the setting was NOT gonna be a Cyberpunk story, rather, it was gonna be a Dark Fantasy one with Shōnen undertones instead of a serious Seinen that ended up being.
