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Trivia / Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie

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  • Cast the Expert: Helena Barrett, who plays McButter, has mostly been a stunt double or stunt director for most of her career (her acting career consisting of mere bit parts). Seeing as McButter does do a lot of physical moves throughout the film, it only makes sense that James Rolfe cast an actual stunt person in the role.
  • Development Hell: James and Kevin had been working on the script since late 2006.
  • Directed by Cast Member and Written by Cast Member: James, the Nerd himself, co-wrote and co-directed the film.
  • Playing Against Type: Sarah Glendening, who plays Mandi, has mostly been in soap operas and crime dramas prior to starring in this film, which is an all-and-out comedy.
  • What Could Have Been: Shares a page
