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Trivia / Albedo: The Role-Playing Game

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  • Creator Backlash: Gallacci dislikes the way how the Platinum Catalyst RPG Updated Re-release came out, not only because he wasn't very involved in the project at all, but also because Sanguine Productions, the publisher of the game, added lot of stuff who was against the spirit of the original canon without the original author's oversight, including how the morality of the setting is changed from Gray-and-Grey Morality to A Lighter Shade of Gray instead. That's was one of the main reasons why these games are considered by Word of God as Loose Canon at worst.
  • Franchise Killer: In a way, for all the parties involved in the creation the Platinum Catalyst RPG Updated Re-release , albeit it could be counted as a subversion later on:
    • Due to the death of his wife, Gallacci retired from the comic book industry until 2012, and it wasn't until 2018 when he resumed with both the comic and the franchise as well.
    • While Sanguine Productions still exists, it not longer sells the game and it's heavily implied it was a Old Shame, due partly due to the Troubled Production the game has, as it only had a single expansion, with no further editions.
    • It took until 2018 for another Albedo RPG to appear, this time as a miniature-based game.
  • He Also Did: Sanguine Productions, who did the Platinum Catalyst RPG Updated Re-release, also did the award-winning RPG Ironclaw
  • Milestone Celebration: The Platinum Catalyst RPG Updated Re-release was released as a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the creation of the comic. It should be noted Gallacci traditionally had never done these kind of celebrations of any kind, nor he has tried doing it again since then, especially considering the game was released in the same year when his wife was diagnosticated with cancer and later died.
  • No Budget: Somewhat with the Structural Integrity expansion from the Platinum Catalyst version, as, unlike the main module and the previous RPG, this doesn't use any Gallacci art, it was published in a very limited printing rub and it feels somewhat simpler and cheap looking than the main game. This is understandable, since by the time that module was published, Gallacci wasn't in a mood for doing anything, as his wife died, and Sanguine Productions had to use art from artist Joe Genero instead, something that alienated him further, according with Gallacci himself
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The Platinum Catalyst RPG rerelease was planned to feature this cover rather than using the one drawn by Gallacci. Needless to say, it was never used probably because it was as violent as the rerelease already was.
    • The Drift and Zho Chaka, the two expansion modules of the first RPG edition, were originally planned as full-fledged novels rather than games, but for some reason they were converted into the RPGs instead.
