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Trivia / A Different Kind of Truth

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  • Word of Gay: The Infamous Man has recently revealed the orientations of several characters.
    • Johnny is Biromantic Demisexual note 
    • Yosuke is a deeply closeted Bisexual.
    • Yukiko is also Bisexual and was in love with Chie before she recognized that Chie didn't return her feelings, though she generally leans towards boys.
    • Gyro and Rise are both varying degrees of Bisexual as well. (Gyro's exact preferences are unstated other than him being a JoJo character, and Rise is merely refered to as curious.)
    • As in canon, Kanji's orientation is up in the air, due to him still trying to figure himself out.
    • Likewise, Yukari, and Mitsuru were both in love with Megumi Kujo (The Female Persona 3 Protagonist), but Yukari only realized it after Megumi's death, whereas Mitsuru realized it at some point prior but never confessed her feelings (possibly due to Megumi and Aigis getting together).
    • Downplayed with the Bisexual Megumi and Aigis's romance, due to Aigis already being a canon love interest for the canonically Bi Female Protagonist in Persona 3 Portable
  • Word of God:
    • The fic takes place after Enrico Pucci was stopped in the process of resetting the universe with "Made in Heaven" by Emporio at the end of Stone Ocean
    • Likewise, the fic also takes place after the female protagonist of Persona 3 named Megumi Kujo here sacrificed her own life to seal away Nyx.
    • Megumi Kujo's Stand/Persona was named "Sonic Youth"
