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Timeline / Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger

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  • 65 million years ago: The knights of the Ryusoul Tribe fight with the Kishiryu dinosaurs against the Druidon Tribe. When the meteor hits, the Druidon flee into space. Meanwhile, the Kishiryu are placed in a deep sleep as a failsafe should the Druidon return, with chosen knights living in peace while passing their mantle down across generations. (Ep. 1)
    • The Primogenitor Minosaur spawned from Yuno takes the present day Ryusoulgers of 2019 back in time to this era, where her father Valma is using the Gaisoulg armor he invented to cull the weak. He is defeated by Koh, while the other four Ryusoulgers pilot his Kishiryuzin to reduce the total mass of the meteor so that its impact will merely bring about the extinction of the dinosaurs rather than the destruction of the entire planet. They escape to their own native time period through a wormhole just before Kishiryuzin crumbles to dust. (The Movie)
  • 2019: Whilst Gaisorg interferes with the Super Sentai Strongest Battle, Ryusoulgers Green and Black receive a ticket inviting them to the tournament whilst they are occupied exploring a Ryusoul Temple (Battle 1) for Ryusouls. (Battle 2) They are transported by the ticket (Battle 3) to the planet Nemesis, where they meet the Oddball Sentai and help defeat Rita after she adopted the Gaisorg armor. The two Ryusoulgers return to Earth while Gaisorg's armor is recovered by its owner. Back at the Ryusoul Temple, Master Red manifests a Red Ryusoul. (Battle 4)


  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Unicorn Minosaur. (Ep. 2)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Medusa Minosaur. (Ep. 3)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Kraken Minosaur. (Ep. 4)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Cerberus Minosaur. (Ep. 5)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Cerberus Minosaur's elder brother. (Ep. 6)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Cockatrice Minosaur. (Ep. 7-8)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Mimic Minosaur. (Ep. 9)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Troll Minosaur. (Ep. 10)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Shen Minosaur. (Ep. 11 & 12)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Mummy Minosaur. (Ep. 13)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Kelpie Minosaur. (Ep. 14)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Primogenitor Minosaur. (The Movie)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Pan Minosaur. (Ep. 15)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Ghost Ship Minosaur. (Ep. 17)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Golem Minosaur. (Ep. 18)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Arachne Minosaur. (Ep. 19)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Grimoire Minosaur. (Ep. 20)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Necromancer Minosaur. (Ep. 22)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Dwarf Minosaur. (Ep. 24)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Grim Reaper Minosaur. (Ep. 25)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Dodomeki Minosaur. (Ep. 26 & 27)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Beelzebub Minosaur. (Ep. 28)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Poltergeist Minosaur. (Ep. 29)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Dullahan Minosaur. (Ep. 30)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Fairy Minosaur. (Ep. 31)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Jack-o'-lantern Minosaur. (Ep. 32)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Sylph Minosaur. (Ep. 36)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Gnome Minosaur. (Ep. 37)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Charybdis Minosaur. (Ep. 38)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Wizard Minosaur. (Ep. 39)
  • The Ryusoulgers defeat the Phantom Minosaur. (Ep. 42)

