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The Dragon / Live-Action TV

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  • 12 Monkeys:
    • The Pallid Man serves as this to Olivia, who in turn is this to the Witness, with her running things while they're in the shadows. Though when she's waylaid midway through Season 2 by severe injuries, he happily usurps her spot as the Witness' right hand.
    • In Season 3, Malick serves as this to Olivia, helping carry out the events that let them become the Witness. Come Season 4, however, he outlives his usefulness and is replaced with a nameless Advisor.
  • 24 provides numerous examples:
    • In Season 1, Ira Gaines is The Dragon to the Drazens.
    • In Season 2, Peter Kingsley is The Dragon to Max, Trepkos and several oilmen.
    • In Season 3, Hector Salazar served as Dragon for his brother Ramon. Marcus Alvers was Stephen Saunders' own Dragon.
    • In Season 4, Navi Araz and several others serve as Dragons to borderline Karma Houdini Habib Marwan
    • In Season 5, Christopher Henderson is The Dragon to Charles Logan.
    • In Season 7, Ike Dubaku is The Dragon to Benjamin Juma. Greg Seaton and Stokes were Hodges' Dragons, with Seaton serving as his right hand and advisor and Stokes as leader of the Mooks. Cara Bowden and Tony were Wilson Co-Dragons, though Tony was actually a Dragon with an Agenda
    • In Season 8, a Dragon Roost Lugo Elson was Vladimir Laitanan's Dragon. Tarin Faroush was the Dragon for Samir, who in turn was also The Dragon for Farhad Hassan and a number of Kamistani Generals, though he turned on Farhad. Jason Pillar was Logan's Dragon, until he outlived his usefulness and became a liability. Pavel Tokarev was Dragon for Minister Mikhail Novakovich who in turn was the Dragon for President Suvarov.
    • In Season 9, Ian Al-Harazi is The Dragon to his mother Margot. Cheng Zhi is nominally The Dragon to Anatol Stolnavich.
    • In Season 10, Kusuma is The Dragon to Jadalla Bin-Khalid. Asim Naseri is The Dragon to Ibrahim Bin-Khalid.
  • In Season 1 of The 100, Tristan serves as The Dragon for the Commander (who won't appear in person until Season 2).
  • 666 Park Avenue: Tony seems to act as Gavin's muscle on occasion. Though now it seems he's going to hire Kandinsky to do his dirty work for him.
  • Angel:
    • In Buffy's spin-off series, in Season 2 The Groosalugg served as the Dragon for the Covenant of Trombli.
    • In Season 3 the incorporeal demon Sahjhan tried to use Holtz as his Dragon, but he turned out to be a Dragon with an Agenda different enough that it led to him accomplishing the exact opposite of what Sahjhan wanted him to do.
    • The Beast was the Dragon for Jasmine before she was born. However, because his and her ultimate motives massively diverged (wanton destruction vs. Utopia Justifies the Means) she arranged for him to be killed by Angelus, who refused to cooperate with her. She had Connor serving this role until she was born, when Angel briefly took it up before Connor resumed the position.
    • In the final season Marcus Hamilton served as The Dragon for The Senior Partners, who are never faced directly by Angel or his friends.
    • The Circle of the Black Thorn is also the dragon to the Senior Partners, sharing this role with Hamilton (though the Circle has more power, since Hamilton is just the liaison). Well, they probably have more influence on this plain of existence, but in terms of personal power they all die easily enough (Save Cyrus Vail). Hamilton by comparison is the most physically formidable threat in the show, barring possibly the Beast or Jasmine.
  • Banshee:
    • Clay Burton is Kai Proctor's right hand man and main enforcer. Proctor seems to be grooming Rebecca to be his representative in official settings since Burton is "limited" in these types of situations.
    • Oleg serves as Mr. Rabbit's main enforcer.
    • Cpt. Richard Murphy, a PMC, is Col. Stowe's right hand man. They served together before he left the USMC.
  • Battlestar Galactica (2003): The Centurions (hard-to-kill robots with miniguns in their arms) are collectively the Dragons to the humanoid Cylons who, despite possessing superior strength to humans, are otherwise relatively easy to kill.
  • Being Human: In series two, Professor Jaggat is introduced secretly as the scientific mastermind behind the purging of the werewolves, with Kemp as her public face - her dragon. However, towards the end, we find out Jaggat is just the one Kemp goes to when he needs to find a method of killing a werewolf or vampire, and she is in fact the dragon to him, and is dragging her feet and is on the verge of turning heel face. Occasionally, she screams stars, too Quite a mixed bag of nuts.
  • Breaking Bad: A good few examples, most notably Jesse Pinkman as this to Walter White.
    • Mike Ehrmentraut also acts as this to Gus Fring, though he is originally introduced as Saul's before being revealed as a double agent.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Most of the examples that seem likely Dragons end up generally being rather weaker than the Big Bad, putting them more into the category of Mini-Boss, but removing the section here would just have someone recreate it anyway. Here's the potential list anyway:
    • In Season 1, The Master was trapped in a church, forcing him to use other vampires for his tasks. Luke was initially The Dragon for the Master, though he didn't last very long. After that Darla took up the role, before she died too. He ended up with The Anointed One, whose draconic potential was rather limited by being physically a child.
    • In Season 2, the vampire preacher Absalom could be considered the A.O.'s Dragon and then it looked as if Spike was going to be The Dragon for the Anointed... but instead, as it turned out, Drusilla was The Dragon for Angelus with Spike as The Starscream.
    • In Season 3, Mr. Trick begrudgingly serves as a Dragon-in-Chief to Kakistos before getting fed up and leaving him to the Slayers. After this, Mr. Trick went solo, and then he and later Faith was The Dragon for the Mayor.
    • In Season 4 Adam, who was intended to be Professor Walsh's Dragon murders her upon awakening. In the final episode, he gains Forrest Gates as his own Dragon.
    • In Season 5, out of Glory's minions, Dreg, Jinx and Murk fulfill the role of her Dragon in succession. Oddly, the first two just disappear, with only Murk's fate being shown on screen.
    • In Season 6, Jonathan and Andrew act as joint Dragons to Warren Mears. In theory, all three are the joint Big Bad, but it's obvious that Warren is really the leader.
    • In Season 7, Caleb was Dragon-in-Chief and The Heavy for The First Evil, which lacked a body of its own.
    • Severin was the dragon to Simone.
    • Amilyn was the dragon to Lothos.
    • Roden to Genevieve.
  • Chou Sei Shin Series
  • Cobra Kai:
    • Season 1 has Brucks as The Dragon to Kyler, being his Dumb Muscle and the most visible member of the gang next to Kyler himself. Kyler later abandons Brucks in Season 3 when Hawk gives a well-deserved No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to the latter.
    • Season 2 has Mitch as The Dragon to Hawk, being the most outspoken member of Hawk's gang and the one accompanying him in his antics. Hawk later abandonds Mitch in Season 3 when the latter loses to Kyler and is kicked out of Cobra Kai. Both do eventually align themselves back together as part of the Miyagi-Fangs at least until Mitch ironically betrays them.
    • Hawk himself becomes a Dragon to Kreese in Season 2 and 3 (the latter season alongside Tory), being Cobra Kai's most vicious student leading the assault on the Miyagi-Dos. However, Hawk eventually loses his standing to Tory and a newly-recruited Robby, and ultimately defect from Cobra Kai after second-guessing his allegiance multiple times.
    • Speaking of Tory, she steps into the role big time in Season 3 when she surpasses Hawk as the most vicious of the Cobra Kais — turning the tides of the Golf n' Stuff fight to the Cobra Kais favor on her arrival, and leading the assault on the Miyagi-Fangs at the LaRusso house.
    • Robby becomes this to Kreese and Silver in Season 4, especially given that he's the one teaching the Cobra Kais Miyagi-Do moves to their advantage, as well as leading their assault on Hawk that results in the latter's shaving.
    • Speaking of Season 4, Kreese treats Silver as if he was his Dragon, using his past U.S. Army position and Vietnam War flashbacks to assert himself as the dojo's head sensei whenever he disagrees with Silver's teachings. This ends up becoming his downfall as Silver eventually becomes offended and becomes The Starscream by taking over the dojo himself.
    • While it seems like Zack Thompson is The Dragon to Anthony LaRusso, given that Anthony is easily the most well-known member of the gang bullying Kenny (with Zack being Number Two), it's clear that Zack is the one calling the shots and that Anthony is nothing more than a peer pressured lackey who just so happens to be front and center of making Kenny's life a living hell.
    • Silver eventually gains a Dragon of his own when he recruits Kim Da-Eun (the granddaughter of the series' Greater-Scope Villain, Kim Sun-Yung) to help reinforce his campaign in expanding Cobra Kai.
    • After all these seasons of Kyler seeing himself as the "Alpha Male" (Hey, he did lead his own gang when he bullied Miguel, Eli, and Demetri), he ends up becoming The Dragon to Kenny in Season 5 — explicitly shown when the latter proves himself to be the better leader during a lesson from Silver.
  • Community: Chang to the Dean in the episode Modern Warfare. He even has his own El Tigre tiger striped paintball gun. And dual gold handguns. And room-painting suicide bomb.
  • Daitetsujin 17 had terrorist-for-hire Captain Gomez as this to Brain for the first half of the series, acting as his top enforcer and commander of his human troops. After Gomez attempted an unsuccessful coup, Brain replaced him with espionage expert and mystic Black Tiger.
  • Deadwood: This show had two. Evil millionaire prospector George Hearst is always accompanied by Captain Turner, an old mountain of a man who serves as his bodyguard and enforcer. He apparently has a long history of killing Hearst's enemies in public streetfights. On the other side, small-time kingpin Al Swearengen has Dan Dority as his strong right hand. Al is an able combatant himself, but will generally send Dan to do the wetwork. In one notable episode, the two rival Dragons fight a duel as their masters watch from the balconies.
  • Doctor Who:
    • The Galactic Council, including Mavic Chen, could be seen as this to the Daleks in "The Daleks' Master Plan". They claim to be equal partners, but Mavic Chen points out some are more equal then others.
    • As the Doctor's main lone wolf enemy, the Master often employs these on a temporary basis:
      • In "Terror of the Autons", the Master hypnotises plastics factory manager Rex Farrel to act as his dragon, eventually using him as a decoy to escape.
      • "The Mind of Evil": Convict Harry Mailer assists the Master in his takeover of Stangmoor Prison and leads the other convicts as they help him steal the Thunderbolt Missile.
      • "The Daemons": The Master has a succession of Dragons among the Devil's End villagers who all die in service: Garvin the verger, Tom Girton and landlord Bert Walker. The animated gargoyle Bok also fulfills the role.
      • "The Sea Devils": The Master tricks prison governor Colonel Trenchard into acting as his Dragon, convincing him they are searching for enemy agents.
      • "The Time Monster": The Master initially hypnotises Sir Charles Percival into acting as his Dragon. After Percival's death, Atlantean high priest Krasis takes on the role.
      • "The Deadly Assassin": Chancellor Goth aides the Master in gaining control of the Eye of Harmony in exchange for becoming President.
      • "The Keeper of Traken": Consul Kassia acts as the Master's Dragon to stop her husband Tremas becoming Keeper. After the Master kills her in order to become Keeper, Proctor Neman takes on the role.
      • "The King's Demons" and "Planet of Fire": Shapechanging robot Kamelion is a somewhat unwilling Dragon to the Master, being mentally controlled by him.
      • "The Ultimate Foe": Sabalom Glitz is in the employ of the Master, helping him recover the stolen Matrix secrets.
      • "Survival": Midge becomes the Master's Dragon after being infected by the Cheetah planet.
      • The TV Movie: Chang Lee becomes a Dragon to the Master after being convinced the Doctor has stolen his body.
      • "The Sounds of Drums": The Master's wife Lucy Saxon fills the role after he convinces her of the hopelessness of humanity's future.
      • During the Series 8 arc, Seb acts as the Dragon to the Master/Missy within the Nethersphere.
      • In ""Spyfall", Starter Villain Daniel Barton ultimately acts as this once the Master is revealed as the true Big Bad.
    • Davros has nearly as many, given his status as a Non-Action Big Bad.
      • Davros' most famous Dragon is Security Commander Nyder from "Genesis of the Daleks", who leads the Kaled Elite's military and is fanatically loyal to Davros.
      • In "Destiny of the Daleks", the Dalek Leader ends up fulfilling this function, staying at Davros' side when the other Daleks go to confront the Movellans and acting as his bodyguard.
      • In "Resurrections of the Daleks", Davros brainwashes the engineer Kiston into acting as his Dragon, assisting him in cultivating a virus to wipe out the Daleks and being the one sent to release the virus on the Dalek ship.
      • Tasambeker in "Revelation of the Daleks" seems to be being groomed for this role by Davros but ends up getting the You Have Failed Me treatment when she fails a test of character.
      • In "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End", the insane Dalek Caan appears to be the Dragon to Davros, who relies on his predictions to ensure the Daleks' victory. Davros is himself nominally the Dragon, or "pet", of the Supreme Dalek, but his prominent status among the Daleks makes this questionable.
      • Colony Sarff takes on the role in "The Magician's Apprentice" and "The Witch's Familiar", being the one sent to bring the Doctor to Davros.
    • "The Long Game": The Editor serves as this for the Mighty Jagrafess, as they both work to control the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire through its news media. He says he represents a consortium of banks. When the Jagrafess is about to explode due to the cooling systems that keep it alive being shut off, the Editor attempts to flee, but is prevented by the body of one of the Jagrafess' past victims, so he dies in the explosion.
    • "The Pandorica Opens" has an interesting twist. The legend about the being imprisoned inside the Pandorica speaks of an unstoppable being that causes death and destruction for countless races. It turns out that being is actually the Doctor, from the point of view of the countless villains he's fought over the centuries. So from the villains' perspectives, the Doctor's Companions are in fact HIS Dragons.
  • Dracula (2013): Lady Jayne is the chief lieutenant to Lord Browning, leader of the antagonistic Order of the Dragon.
  • Fargo:
    • In Season 2, Mike Milligan serves as Joe's Dragon, being the top enforcer and Joe's second in command. Mike does the dirty jobs with the Kitchen Brothers, Gale and Wayne being the muscle. The villainous hierarchy undergoes a shift with Episode 5 however and Mike becomes a Dragon Ascendant with Gale moving into the position of Dragon.
    • Also in Season 2, Hanzee serves as the Dragon to Dodd and the Gerhardt's at large being their top enforcer and the go to gang member when they need someone to die. Hanzee's the clearest example of Dragon with an Agenda though and the characters, audience, and even the narrator all are left speculating what his goals and ambitions are.
    • In Season 3, Yuri and Meemo serve as Co-Dragons to V.M. Varga, being the villainous pair for this season. When Yuri disappears after Episode 8, Meemo fills in the role as Varga's top enforcer. Meemo's the one leading Varga's minions, chauffeuring him around, and carrying out all the important hits.
  • Firefly: Crow was The Dragon to major villain Adelai Niska, before Mal kicked him through one of Serenity's engine.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • Joffrey and Cersei use Sandor Clegane and Meryn Trant to do much of their dirty work. This is perhaps most obvious during the climax of "You Win Or You Die" when the Hound draws his sword to punctuate Cersei's reminder that she is not unsupported, and in "The Pointy End" when Trant arrives to take Arya. Although Trant's lack of skill makes him quality more as The Brute.
    • Lord Tywin wants his favourite son, Jaime Lannister to be his Dragon, and entrusts Jaime with half the Lannister forces and Jaime attains some glory in the field but after Jaime's capture he settles for Gregor Clegane within his army while sending Tyrion to act as his Dragon and Evil Genius in King's Landing. A Played With example in that unlike Jaime, Gregor's missions are not especially tactically difficult but require an innate ''nastiness' and too much squick for soldiers who have standards. In Season 3, Tywin takes over King's Landing himself and serves as Dragon-in-Chief to his nephew King Joffrey.
    • Bronn usually stays close to his boss Tyrion as a protector, but is occasionally dispatched on other jobs like commanding the City Watch and igniting the wildfire. Jaime retains his services in Season 5.
    • Ser Vardis Egen guards the Vale for Lysa Tully and stands as her champion in Season 1.
    • Viserys considers Khal Drogo to be his Dragon (although he considers himself "the Dragon" in a very different sense). Drogo doesn't care what Viserys thinks.
    • Ser Jorah Mormont for Daenerys. He has sworn fealty to her and helps her adapt to life as a Khaleesi of the Dothraki.
    • Dagmer to Theon, whose House he has a lot of loyalty to.
    • The wildling chieftains Tormund Giantsbane and Styr of Thenn act as Co-Dragons to Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, carrying out his orders to raid south of the Wall.
    • Locke serves as Roose Bolton's Dragon on campaign in the Riverlands while his bastard son Ramsay fulfills this role back in the North.
    • Janos Slynt has made himself the second to Alliser Thorne, though Slynt is the schemer and Alliser is the fighter.
    • Literal examples are Daenerys' dragons, especially Drogon with his Big Damn Heroes moment. Rhaegal and Viserion to lesser extent.
    • Davos is Stannis' right, left-hand man who also doubles as The Consigliere, as Stannis values his output more than anyone else's.
    • Harald Karstark to Ramsay Bolton. After Roose is murdered by his son, he switches allegiance to him straight away and he chastises Maester Wolkan for not referring to Ramsay as Lord.
    • Jaime tries to be this for Cersei in Seasons 5 and 6 when aiming to rescue Myrcella, taking on the High Sparrow and then sorting out the Riverlands. After Cersei becomes Queen, Jaime and Euron become her Co-Dragons, in terms of military, with Euron leading the navy and Jaime the armies of the crown.
    • Gregor is Cersei's attack dog and Co Dragon to Jaime after he's inducted into the Kingsguard Season 6 onwards.
    • Prince Daemon Targaryen was Rhaenyra's most capable commander.
  • Gotham: Butch is the dragon to Fish Mooney and later Oswald Copplepot Victor Zsasz is the dragon to Carmine Falcone. Tabitha Galavan is the dragon to her brother Theo Galavan. Notably all three, have been genuinely loyal to their bosses and weren't interested in taking over.
  • Glee: As of halfway through Season 2, Quinn and Santana have both been replaced as Sue Sylvester's Dragons by Becky Jackson, a short, Badass Adorable Cheerio with a mean line in admin and ruthless glares. And Down's Syndrome. Nobody at McKinley High is fool enough to think this means she's a Morality Pet rather than a Dragon.
  • Happy Days: In one episode, a gangster tries to take over Arnold's. He has a henchman with a metal claw for an arm called "The Claw" that Fonzie fights.
  • Hardy Bucks: The main antagonist, Francis "The Viper" Higgins has a Dragon working for him who's name is Dragon.
  • Heroes: Makes quite effective use of this trope:
    • In Volume 1, Thompson and Candice take turns acting as Linderman's Dragon.
    • Since HRG was originally assumed by many fans to be the Big Bad, one could place The Haitian as his Dragon.
    • In Volume 2, Elle Bishop can be seen as a Dragon to her father Bob. Adam/Kensei also served temporarily as Whitebeard's Dragon, and Peter was an unwitting one to Adam.
    • Volume 3 had Tracy and Nathan as co-Dragon's to Arthur, after Maury is killed off.
    • When Nathan became the new Big Bad in Volume 4, Danko served as his Dragon. After Danko took over as Big Bad, Bennet became an unwilling Dragon.
    • Danko eventually loses Bennet and instead goes with Sylar as a Dragon, even 'feeding' him new abilities. This could have gone better for him.
    • Finally, in the now-running Volume 5, Edgar filled this role for new Big Bad Samuel Sullivan until Samuel used Edgar as a scapegoat for Joseph's murder, at which point Eli appears to have stepped in.
  • House of Cards (UK) (and US: Tim/Doug Stamper to Villain Protagonist Francis Urquhart/Frank Underwood. Lampshaded by this Game of Thrones crossover video in which Frank has a literal dragon called Stamper.
  • Intelligence (2006): Has a rare example of a protagonist with a Dragon: Bob, an ex-Special Forces vet who works as Jimmy Reardon's bodyguard and occasional assassin.
  • Justified:
    • Season 1: Career criminal Johnny Crowder and sex offender Hestler Jones were Co-Dragons to Johnny's uncle, Harlan County gang boss Bo Crowder.
    • Season 2: Corrupt chief of police Doyle Bennett plays this role to his mother, marijuana kingpin Mags, in Season 2, enforcing her rule over Bennett township. Boyd Crowder hires Neo-Nazi henchman Derek "Devil" Lennox to act as his Dragon.
    • Season 3: Dixie Mafia bagman Wynn Duffy is hired to act as The Dragon to Detroit mobster Robert Quarles, helping him deal with the local criminals—though in a twist, Quarles is far more physically dangerous than Duffy (himself a bloodthirsty psycho).
    • Season 4: Boyd gets a new Dragon in the form of ex-soldier, Colton Rhodes, who is a major character for the rest of the season. We meet Detroit gangster Nicky Augustine, who acts as Mouth of Sauron to Theo Tonin, and has his own Dragon in Mr. Picker.
    • Season 5: With Devil and Colt both gone, Jimmy and Carl step up as Boyd's Co-Dragons. We meet Theo Tonin's most trusted killer, Elias Marcos. We are introduced to Daryl Crowe Jr., who has his psychopathic younger brother Danny as his Dragon.
  • Kamen Rider
    • The Great Leader of Shocker goes through four Dragons in the original series, Colonel Zol, Dr. Shinigami, Ambassador Hell and General Black. Each of them was in charge of sending out Kaijin to menace our hero.
    • The Great Leader of Destron in Kamen Rider V3 also has four successive Dragons, each with their own army of Kaijin. Marshal Yoroi, the highest-ranking and last to appear, fits this the best.
    • Apollo Geist is the top enforcer of the leader of G.O.D. in Kamen Rider X, and is in charge of executing any rogue G.O.D. members.
    • Averted in Kamen Rider Amazon, as Ten Faced Demon Gorgos didn't appear to have a specific Dragon among his army. However, the Big Bad of the second half of the series, Great Emperor Zero, is actually a body double for the real Zero, so he could technically be considered The Dragon.
    • Kamen Rider Stronger has Mr. Titan as The Dragon to the Great Leader of Black Satan. However, he gets killed off by Stronger and is replaced by General Shadow. Then Titan gets revived and he Shadow share the Dragon role until Titan dies again and Shadow goes rogue and gets replaced by Dead Lion. After the defeat of Black Satan, Shadow founds his own organization and becomes the Big Bad, gaining Snake Woman as his Dragon, as she is the only member of his organization who isn't trying to overthrow him. Marshal Machine is later revealed to have apparently been The Dragon to the Great Leader of Delza.
    • Kamen Rider: Skyrider: General Monster is The Dragon to the Great Leader of Neo-Shocker at first, but he gets killed off and replaced by Admiral Majin about a quarter into the series.
    • Kamen Rider BLACK: High Priest Darom, the leader of the three High Priests of Gorgom, becomes The Dragon to Shadow Moon once the latter wakes up. Shadow Moon himself also filled something of an enforcer role to the Creation King.
    • In the sequel series, Kamen Rider BLACK RX, General Jark had both Bosgun and Gatezone as The Dragon to him, though he himself was The Dragon to the Greater-Scope Villain Emperor Crisis.
    • Ra-Baruba-De, the "judge" of the Gurongi game, is the closest thing N-Daguva-Zeba has to one in Kamen Rider Kuuga.
    • Kamen Rider Agito: The OverLord of Darkness has the El Lords as his three Dragons.
    • Kamen Rider Ryuki: Kamen Rider Odin acts as this to Shiro Kanzaki, being his personal representative in the Rider War.
    • Kamen Rider 555 has Kitazaki, being the strongest of the Lucky Clover and (appropriately) the Dragon Orphnoch.
    • Kamen Rider Blade: While most of the Undeads battle each other in the Battle Fight to be the last one standing, Hikaru Jo/Tiger Undead has an odd claim to this, being the one who is the most devoted to the Battle Fight and praising the Stone of Stealing, having been flabbergasted by the machinations of the modern one and Tennoji's usages of it. Both Azumi/Serpent Undead and King/Caucasus Undead have the Tortoise and Scarab Undeads respectively to serve them.
    • Kamen Rider Den-O has both Albinoleo Imagin and the Death Imagin as the top enforcers of Kai, though the latter is more like a Dragon-in-Chief, being the keystone of Kai's Keystone Army of Imagin.
    • Kamen Rider Kiva: Bishop, aka the Swallowtail Fangire, is King's right-hand man.
    • Kamen Rider Double: Saeko Sonozaki is the right hand of her father, Ryubee, though her husband, Kirihiko Sudo is the one who battles the Riders most often. Jun Kazu is also the top enforcer of Neon Ulsland.
    • Kamen Rider Fourze: Scorpion, Libra and Virgo all serve as The Dragon to Mitsuaki Gamou, though Virgo appears to be closest out of all of them.
    • Kamen Rider Wizard at first has Medusa and Phoenix as the top two enforcers of Wiseman. Later on, they're joined by Gremlin.
    • Kamen Rider Gaim has Yoko Minato, the right hand and bodyguard of Ryoma Sengoku. She later becomes The Dragon to Kaito Kumon at the end after Kaito becomes the final Big Bad.
    • In Kamen Rider Drive, Mashin Chaser acts as an enforcer for the Roidmude Commanders. Roidmude 004 is also later revealed to be the right-hand of Tenjuro Banno.
    • Kamen Rider Ghost: Alain has Jabel, who was sent in by his father to assist him. His brother Adel also has one in Igor.
    • Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: The Graphite Bugster is the right hand of Pallad and the one spreading the Bugster virus on his behalf for the first part of the series.
    • Kamen Rider Build introduces Blood Stalk as being this to Night Rogue, though he isn't very loyal to his supposed boss and is mostly concerned with advancing his own mysterious goals. Later on, Night Rogue becomes this to Juzaburo Namba as Kamen Rider Rogue in order to stay in the power game. Stalk also winds up getting Nariaki Utsumi as a Dragon after the latter undergoes Sanity Slippage and defects to his side, but it turns out to have been an act.
    • Kamen Rider Zi-O has Heure and Ora, who create the Another Riders on Swartz's behalf.
    • Kamen Rider Zero-One has Jin, the field operative of MetsubouJinrai.NET who creates Magia with the Progrise Keys on Horobi's behalf.
    • Kamen Rider Saber has Ryoga Shindai, the enforcer and bodyguard of Isaac/Master Logos. Storious of the Megid has the Charybdis Megid.
    • Kamen Rider Revice: Olteca, Aguilera's right-hand man and advisor who plans out the Deadmans' operations on her behalf. The twist however is who he turns out to really be the Dragon to.
    • Kamen Rider Geats: After defecting to the Jyamato side, Michinaga becomes this for Beroba, who agrees to sponsor him as they both share similar goals.
  • Kikaider: Hakaider was intended by Professor Gill to be this, though his desire to fight Kikaider led to him disobeying Gill most of the time and eventually going completely rogue.
    • In the sequel series Kikaider 01, Hakaider gains three Dragons in the form of the Hakaider Squad. He later joins the SHADOW organization and becomes Co-Dragons with Shadow Knight.
  • Kingdom Adventure: Pitts was put in his position as magistrate by Zordock, and ultimately has to take Zordock's orders, no matter how frightening or repulsive he finds them.
  • Kings: Had Thomasina as The Dragon to King Silas, and damned if she wasn't an efficient one.
  • Kyodai Ken Byclosser has Sylvia, Doctor Q's right hand woman and field commander of Dester.
  • Legend of the Seeker: The lieutenant to the Keeper, who replaces him as the main villain, in Season 2.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Sauron was Morgoth's right-hand man who took over when his master was banished to the Void.
  • Luna Nera: Pietro's father is the Big Bad Bishop's head inquisitor.
  • The Mandalorian: Elia Kane was second-in-command to Moff Gideon, the main villain of the show's first and second seasons.
  • Metal Heroes
  • Once Upon a Time has several.
    • The second season has Captain Hook as the Dragon to the Big Bad of the first half, though he's more obsessed in killing Rumpelstiltskin.
    • The second half has Greg and Tamara, who, while being a Big Bad Ensemble, end up being ones to Season 3's first Big Bad.
    • The third season has a straighter example in the form of Felix, who is very loyal to the Big Bad.
    • The latter half of Season 3 had Rumpelstiltskin though it's a case of him being an unwilling Dragon. Arguably this happens again in the second half of Season 4 as well, but this case could just as easily be interpreted as a Villain Team-Up.
  • Orange Is the New Black: Suzanne becomes this for Vee in Season 2.
  • Person of Interest:
  • Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Goldar fills this role to a T. The Big Bads of later seasons would also usually have a Dragon in their employ, but Goldar is probably the most iconic.
  • Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Jadeite is this to Queen Beryl. He stays at her side until they die in the collapse of her castle even though she freed him.
  • Resurrection: Ertuğrul: Batuhan Alp to Ural Bey in season 3. He eventually splits from Ural and forms his own faction.
    • Titus and Marcus to Petruchio in Season 1.
    • Baybora and Alpargu to Kurdoglu, also in Season 1.
    • Tankut and Ulubilge to Noyan in Season 2.
    • Petrus and Philip to Simon in Season 3, with the former becoming dragon to latter-day Big Bad Vasilius after Simon's death.
    • Mergen and Eynece to Alangoya in Season 4.
    • Tara and Lais to Dragos in Season 5, with the latter replaced by Uranos after Ertugrul executes him.
    • Also in Season 5, Kiyat to Arikbuka.
  • Revenge (2011):
    • Nolan Ross, and later Aiden Mathis, is this to Emily Thorne/Amanda Clarke, if you go by Alternate Character Interpretation.
    • The Graysons have Frank until "Amanda"/the real Emily Thorne kills him.
  • Revolution: Captain (later Major) Tom Neville. While not Monroe's actual second in command, he appears to be part of Monroe's inner circle, and is the most recognizable villain after the General himself.
  • Robin Hood: In most versions of the legend, The Sheriff of Nottingham is The Dragon to Prince John but in the current BBC Series, The Sheriff is the Big Bad, and Sir Guy is his Dragon.
  • Salem: After Mercy frees herself from Mary's control, she decides to join the witches. She later assumes this role to Mary.
    • The Starscream: By the season finale, Mercy now plans to take Mary down.
  • SeaQuest DSV 2032: Lampshaded (kind of) in the first episode, third season. The Big Bad is Alexander Born, his general uses the callsign "Dragon" when calling in the attack.
  • Seigi No Symbol Condorman: There are a lot of executives in the Monster Clan who could be considered the Dragon to King Monster, but the most eminent are Smogton, Gomigon and Hedoronger, his three highest-ranking executives and a Land, Sea, Sky trio each representing a different form of pollution.
  • Metal Master in Seven Star Fighting God Guyferd is a pretty classic example, being a Black Knight who acts as the enforcer of Zodiac and oversees operations on his behalf.
  • Most of the movies in the Sharpe series tended to have one of these:
    • Sharpe's Rifles: The Man in Black Tomas Vivar serves as the Dragon to Colonel De L'Eclin, being constantly at his side.
    • Sharpe's Eagle: Lieutenants Gibbons and Berry are Co-Dragons to Sir Henry Simmerson, being the only South Essex officers with any real respect or loyalty for him.
    • Sharpe's Enemy: Unlike in the book, Hakeswill is more of an equal partner to Pot-au-Feu than a Dragon, but General Chaumier acts as a Dragon for Ducos, leading the French troops he sends to Adradas.
    • Sharpe's Honour: Father Hacha is the Dragon to Ducos, being his co-conspirator in the plan to frame Sharpe for murder.
    • Sharpe's Battle: Dona Juanita is the Dragon for Guy Loup, acting as The Mole among the allies and recruiting a group of defectors to serve him.
    • Sharpe's Sword: Colonel Leroux tries to make Jack Spears his Dragon, but Spears, despite being blackmailed by him, is unwilling to give him any help beyond helping conceal his identity so he can escape.
    • Sharpe's Regiment: Sir Henry Simmerson is the Dragon to Lord Fenner as the junior partner in their crimping racket. Sergeant Lynch is the Dragon to Colonel Girdwood.
    • Sharpe's Siege: General Calvet acts as The Heavy for Ducos, leading the attack on the fortress Sharpe has captured. The Comte de Marquerre also has many of the qualities of a Dragon as he misleads the British on Ducos' instructions.
    • Sharpe's Mission: Colonel Brand is the Dragon to Colonel Cresson, acting as his agent in the British lines. Sergeant Pope is the Dragon to Brand, being the only one of his battalion to know his true loyalties.
    • Sharpe's Revenge: Sergeant Challon becomes Ducos' final Dragon, aiding him in stealing the Emperor's treasure.
    • Sharpe's Justice: Captain George Wickham is the Dragon to Sir Willoughby Parfitt, leading his yeomanry.
    • Sharpe's Waterloo: Lord Rossendale becomes the Dragon for Jane Gibbons as she urges him to kill Sharpe for her.
    • Sharpe's Challenge: Madhuvanthi is the Dragon to General Dodd as they conspire to seize control of the rajah, although each is The Starscream to the other. Shadrack Bickerstaff is a more traditional Dragon as he becomes Dodd's right-hand man.
    • Sharpe's Peril: Philippe Joubert is initially the Dragon to Count Dragmirov but he dies barely halfway through the miniseries. Silas Wormwood takes his place for the final battle.
  • Smallville:
  • Sons of Anarchy: Season 2 had AJ Weston (Henry Rollins) fill this role for Ethan Zobelle (Adam Arkin).
  • Star Trek: Voyager: Seska straddled the line between this and Big Bad. She acted in Culluh's employ, doing a great deal of his dirty work, but also consistently showed herself to be a far more cunning and dangerous planner, perhaps making her the Dragon-in-Chief.
  • Every Goa'uld in Stargate SG-1 has a First Prime, who is his most trusted servant. A number of First Primes are aware that their masters are not gods, but they know they cannot change the way of things, so they merely attempt to "temper [their] sword". Both Teal'c and Bra'tac used to be Apophis's First Primes (Bra'tac before Teal'c). Teal'c father was the First Prime of Cronus, before he lost an unwinnable battle and was painfully executed by Cronus. Another notable First Prime is Oshu (a clone of Sun Tzu), who faithfully serves his master Lord Yu and covers for his developing mental illness.
  • Stranger Things: In the Season 4 finale, the Mind Flayer is revealed to be a construct created by Vecna/Henry Creel/One, who formed it using "Shadow Particles" that he discovered after being exiled to the Upside Down. This makes Vecna the true Big Bad and The Man Behind the Man.
  • Supergirl (2015): Astra's Dragon is her husband Non, but after her death, he takes command of their forces, after which he gains his own Dragon in the form of Indigo.
    • In Season 2, Hank Henshaw acts as the Dragon to Lillian Luthor.
  • Supernatural:
    • Meg is the Dragon for her father Azazel in Season 1. She later serves this role to Lucifer in Season 5.
    • Zachariah to Michael in Season 5.
    • Edgar to Dick Roman in Season 7.
    • Ruby to Lilith, though it's only revealed at the end of Season 4.
    • Rowena ends up being this this to Sam Winchester of all people in Season 10. Later, she becomes this to Lucifer after he returns in Season 11, but it only lasts one episode before he kills her.
    • Gadreel to Metatron in Season 9.
  • Super Sentai: The parent series of Power Rangers' generally had one a season. They come in all shapes and sizes, but certain commonalities exist. They tend to be swordsmen, and to have a grudge against one specific Ranger, usually Red. Said Ranger usually destroys The Dragon in single combat during the finale.
    • Himitsu Sentai Gorenger had Field Marshal Goldenmask, who was actually the fourth to ascend to the position of second-in-command after the Dirty Coward, The Brute, and the Evil Genius all fail.
    • J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai had Iron Claw, the guy we thought was the main villain at first. Despite playing the Diabolical Mastermind quite well, he's a Dragon through and through.
    • Battle Fever J gave us Commander Hedda, who was really more of a mystic than anything. He did have a One-Winged Angel form.
    • Denshi Sentai Denziman had General Hedorer, essentially your standard yes-man field commander.
    • Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan revives Queen Hedrian, the previous Big Bad, into this role. Eventually, as Black Magma factionalized and Hedrian became an internal rival to Hell Saturn, she got her own in the form of fellow ex-Vader member Amazon Killer.
    • Dai Sentai Goggle Five had General Deathgiller, who was essentially this trope personified. Notably, however, he was actually ranked lower than the Evil Genius, Deathmark.
    • Kagaku Sentai Dynaman had Prince Megiddo, son of the Big Bad, who was eventually kicked out for being useless and replaced with Dark Action Girl General Zenobia. After he come back as the Dark Knight and killed Zenobia(indirectly) and Aton, Chimera filled this role in the finale.
    • Choudenshi Bioman had a very well-stratified villain hierarchy including a Dragon, Mason.
    • Dengeki Sentai Changeman had General Guiluke, who actually supervised most of the day-to-day villainy. Later, Guiluke is forced to step down and he is replaced with Queen Ahames. He later regained his position after he became Super Guiluke, though he was forced to share it with Ahames.
    • Choushinsei Flashman, though, again, the Evil Genius was ranked higher, featured the envious zebra person Ley Wandar in this role.
    • Hikari Sentai Maskman ties between Imperial Ninja Oyobur and Princess Igam.
    • Choujuu Sentai Liveman has Guardnoid Gash, the Big Bad's robot bodyguard.
    • Kousoku Sentai Turboranger has ties between the zombie Samurai Zimba and dark wizard Lehda. However, once Yamimaru steps in and the main trio of bad guys' are dispatched, he takes the position.
    • Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman first had Captain Galois, though he also has shades of goofiness time by time. Once he failed too many times, Chevalier gets promoted into The Dragon. And later, Galois regained the position, making the Zone to have TWO Dragons near the end of the series.
    • Choujin Sentai Jetman is kind of unique that there's no such thing as who gets the higher position (they're all competing for the Big Bad position). The closest you may get is probably Radiguet, who was the second most powerful one after their missing Empress Juza. He's also The Starscream through and through (against Juza and later Tranza), thus eventually elevating his position from The Dragon to Big Bad.
    • Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger has Griffozar, who became the aforementioned Goldar once the series was adapted.
    • Gosei Sentai Dairanger had Emperor Gorma XV bring Colonel Shadam along for the ride. Or so we think.
      • Actually, Gorma XV real second-in-command is General Tenpõ... but he only appears in four episodes before getting Killed Off for Real by the aforementioned Shadam.
    • Ninja Sentai Kakuranger has Gashadokuro, the son of Big Bad Daimaou. In an odd case, the two never coexist on the show, as Gashadokuro dies just as he succeeds in unsealing Daimaou, meaning they function more as successive Big Bads.
    • Chouriki Sentai Ohranger features another father-son Big Bad-Dragon relationship with Prince Buldont, who's short and dumpy at first, but gains a much more Dragony body later on. By the time he gets his upgrade his father is gone and he is the new Big Bad. Buldont's Dragon consists of a brainwashed Bomber the Great for two episodes and then his wife Multiwa, although Buldont's a hands on kind of guy so he might also technically be his own Dragon.
    • Gekisou Sentai Carranger has two. While Zelmodor seems to fulfill this role at first, he later gets co-opted by Ritchhiker.
    • Denji Sentai Megaranger has Yugande, who became the aforementioned Ecliptor.
    • Seijuu Sentai Gingaman follows Goranger in having four seconds-in-command in quick succession. First Mate Battobas fits best, although Shelinda might also fit as well.
    • Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive has a near-literal example in Prince Salamandes. He is, yet again, son to the Big Bad, though she's his mom this time.
    • Mirai Sentai Timeranger has Lila and Gien serve as Co-Dragons to Don Dolenero.
    • Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger features Duke Org Yabaiba, though he's a bit goofier than most.
    • Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger has seven Dragons, each named for a day of the week. Sundar, the last to appear, fits the definition best.
    • Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger has an odd example in Lije, a small girl who doesn't really fight. She's really only the Dragon by default due to all the other roles being filled. This is played more straight after her transformation in to Lijewel.
    • Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger: A few Alienizers of the Week have another alien assisting them, such as Blitz Hells with his two younger siblings or Don Sanoa and his lackey Zortac. In the finale, Agent Abrella is revealed to have one in Uniga, who serves as his right-hand and leads the other mercenaries under his employ.
    • Mahou Sentai Magiranger has Victory General Branken, who's actually the boss when the show begins. He is replaced by Dark Magic Priest Meemy following his defeat, and when Meemy falls, the Infershia Pantheon steps in, led by Dagon.
    • GoGo Sentai Boukenger has Yaiba of Darkness as this for Dark Shadow and Grand Beast Rei as this for the Questers. Creator King Ryuuwon didn't have one, although he ironically fulfills most of the tropes commonly associated with the Dragon in Sentai, instead just creating a Monster of the Week whenever he needed extra force. Arch Priest Gajah didn't have one either for most of the series until he creates Desperado, who acts as his Dragon in the finale.
    • Juken Sentai Gekiranger has Mele as Rio's right hand and bodyguard. Long plays it well, and it helps that he actually is a Dragon, but he's actually The Man Behind the Man that Rio never knew was behind him who eventually takes Big Badhood for himself, bringing along his own Dragon Sanyo.
    • Engine Sentai Go-onger doesn't have one at first, though Yogostein later gains one in Hiramechimedes. Yogostein himself is actually reporting to his dad, who has a Dragon of his own.
    • Samurai Sentai Shinkenger has Sujigara no Akumaro, who commands his own band of Gedoushuu and won't let even the Big Bad Doukokuu bar his own personal ambition.
    • Tensou Sentai Goseiger has Dereputa for the Warstar, Kinggon for the Yuumajuu and Metal Alice for the Matrintis. The ultimate Big Bad, Brajira of the Messiah, brainwashes Gosei Knight into this role late into the series.
    • Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger has Chief of Staff Damaras, Commander Contrarian to the General Failure that was the Zangyack Emperor's son, Warz Gill. Damaras gets booted from his position by Emperor Ackdos Gill for failing to protect Warz and is replaced by Dyrandoh.
    • Tokumei Sentai Go Busters: Enter, except here he's the Big Bad's only sapient underling. Later after the first defeat of Messiah, Escape (unwillingly) fall into this position for Enter.
    • Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger has Delu-Knight as a parody of most of the tropes associated with Dragons in Sentai.
    • Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Hundred Faced High Priest Chaos is the second in command of the Deboss Army. Though as his boss was unable to come and do anything until the finale, Chaos more served as the Big Bad in his stead. Chaos himself had Raging Knight Dogold as his own Dragon at first. Later however, Dogold gets competition for the role when Knight of Hatred Endolf was created. After it seemed Dogold won by possessing Endolf, it's revealed that Endolf was biding his time to get his revenge and eventually returns after absorbing Dogold's power, making Dogold his own Dragon. Around this time though, the actual Big Bad Deboss was revived and Chaos had returned to his role as The Dragon.
    • Ressha Sentai ToQger has Baron Nero, being the one most loyal to Emperor of Darkness Z.
    • Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Kyuemon served as the most devoted to unsealing Gengetsu in spite of his shady actions and as such served as the most occurring enemy of the Ninningers. Once Gengetsu gets released, he reveals Kyuemon as his son to Ariake and Masakage.
    • Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger: The position is shared between Azald, Quval, and Naria, though the latter is thoroughly the most loyal to Ginis even by the end.
    • Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Don Armage has his Vice-Shoguns Kukuruga, Akyanba, and Tecchu as his higher-level generals and are just a level right below him.
    • Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger: None at first. The Druidon generals all operate independently from each other and are all on more or less equal terms. The closest would be Kureon who serves under each of them, though he is a Non-Action Guy only used by them to create monsters. Eventually, the arrival of the Druidon's leader sees the reveal of the Dragon as well, Yabasword, who is the only generally to be in on Eras' true plan to destroy both the Ryusoulgers and Druidon Tribe and remake the world. He doesn't last too long after the truth is revealed though.
    • Mashin Sentai Kiramager has Yodonna, Emperor Yodon's personal assistant.
    • Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger has Mobile Commander Barashitara, army commander of the Tojitendo.
  • The Thick of It: While his boss was more of an Anti Hero than a full on villain, Jamie McDonald functions as a rather competent Dragon for main character Malcolm Tucker. That said, he did have some ambitions of his own, which may account for his absence in the third series.
  • Ultra Series:
    • Return of Ultraman: When Alien Nackle comes to Earth, he brings with him Black King to act as his muscle. Some sources claim Black Kings are mass produced by the Nackle race to act as this. The finale sees a similar situation where Alien Bat resurrects Zetton as his, due to the monster's feared status among Ultras.
    • Ultraman Leo: The Eleven Saucer Beasts took turns acting as this to Commander Black. Black End, the strongest and final one to appear, fits this the best.
    • Ultraman Gaia: Zogu is the Radical Destruction Bringer's strongest agent, although since her boss never makes an appearance, Zogu is effectively the main antagonist instead.
    • Ultraman Mebius: The Dark Four Heavenly Kings, four of the strongest generals in Alien Empera's army who are tasked with preparing Earth for his arrival.
    • Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial has Darkgone and Iaron, the field commanders of the Belial Galactic Empire and Belial's top two subordinates.
    • Ultraman Ginga: Dark Lugiel goes through three - Alien Valky, Alien Icarus and an Alien Nackle named Grey, all of whom he revived to distribute the Spark Dolls for him.
    • Ultraman Ginga S: One-Zero and Vorst acted as the top two lackeys of Exceller. Berume appeared to be another Co-Dragon at first, but he was actually serving Dark Lugiel.
  • Tidelands (Netflix): Lamar is the lieutenant of Adrielle, who runs the L'Attente syndicate.
    • Ultraman Geed: Kei Fukuide is Belial's top (and only remaining) servant.
  • The Walking Dead (2010):
    • The Governor has Merle, and then Martinez after Merle's Heel–Face Turn.
    • Simon to Negan.
    • Beta to Alpha.
  • Warehouse 13: Marcus Diamond serves as this to Season 3 Big Bad Walter Sykes.
  • The Wire: Stringer Bell fills this role for Avon Barksdale during the first half of the series, and Chris Partlow fills it for Marlo Stanfield during the second half.
    • This seems to be the role of Slim Charles, no matter who he works for. He starts out working for Avon, and moves up to the point where he almost supplants Stringer, then works as #2 for Prop Joe. He tells Marlo that he "ain't cut out to be no CEO" when Marlo tries to give him half of Joe's old territory, and is seen alongside another drug lord in the finale montage.
    • Spiros Vondas is this to The Greek.
  • Xena: Warrior Princess: The Berserker to Alti. Xena was also this to Alti during her dark days.
