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The Alcoholic / Web Original

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  • Captain Slaughter's Rejects has Shaz, a perpetually drunken Tau with an itchy trigger finger.
  • The Cry of Mann:
    • Sam Weiner is slowly revealed as someone who likes alcohol a little too much. Not only did he come in drunk during "Tanking Mann", but he also admitted to being drunk several times on set, claiming that it was okay because nobody noticed.
    • Both Jouglat and Courtney, as part of their Sanity Slippage, start to drink heavily. Jouglat is constantly wasted, unkepmt and angry right up until he decides to go back to the warr, and Courtney was very much drunk when talking to her callers or monologuing, even asking Berry to get her a drink.
  • Dabchick, the main character of the series of the same name, frequently gets drunk at restaurants and parties, resulting in slurred speech, falling over, and vomiting.
  • Gary: Landlord of the Flies: Gary is said to drink frequently, which leads to a number of his less coherent and amicable moments.
  • In "The Ballad of G.I. Joe", at G.I. Joe headquarters, while everyone else is about various after-hours pursuits and worries, Snow Job's simply "drinkin' beers".
    (I heard he likes to drink quite a bit...)
  • Plonqmas: Played with in the series. While Plonq frequently spends his Christmases in various stages of inebriation, he doesn’t appear to have a classic hard-core drinking problem. The holidays just seem to bring this out in him, perhaps understandably so given his luck.
  • Pretending to Be People:
    • Dave from Akron claims that any day ending in "y" is a good day to get blackout drunk.
    • Judge Ephraim Courtland wakes up every day hungover off of fancy liquors, and spends the entire arc in a drunken stupor.
  • Sam & Mickey portray Barbie as constantly wasted.
  • Alcoholism is a defining trait of the The Thrilling Adventure Hour's Frank and Sadie Doyle. Every episode opens with them clinking their glasses in a toast, they frequently comment themselves on being some level of inebriated, have a walk-in liquor cabinet, and when given three wishes by a djinni, wish only for alcohol and scoff at the idea that the ironic twist to that wish is they've been given more liquor than they can possibly drink.
    Frank: Who cares what evil lurks in the hearts of man?
    Sadie: Unless evil's carrying the martini tray, darling. (clink)
  • Glitch of the Whateley Universe, who's obviously alcoholic, and a sophomore in high school. He blames his parents for all of his problems.
  • WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK.: Euseph Kramer, programmer at MacNeil Tech, seems to have taken to drink to deal with being overworked. At the start of "Anomaly PSA (2003)", Gabriel asks him if he's drinking again after hearing him pour something, and Euseph tells him to mind his own business.
