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Tearjerker / Why Women Kill

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Season One

  • Episode 9 with the flashback to the death of Beth Ann's daughter.
    • And worse is her discovery that her husband was to blame-because his mistress had left the door open in her haste to make a quick exit, allowing Beth Ann’s daughter to run out on the street in the first place. And he let Beth Ann blame herself for years rather than admit his infidelity.
  • Karl and Simone leave the house to find someone has spray-painted "DIE AIDS FAGGOT" on the front of it. Karl nearly collapses and no one will listen to Simone's cries for help for fear of getting close to someone with AIDS. A reminder of how terribly people with that disease were treated in this time.
  • The entirety of Simone and Karl's story in the final episode as the disease takes its toll to the point where Simone fulfills her husband's wish and euthanizes him to end his suffering before he wilts into nothing.

Season Two

  • Grace's expression when she leaves the club after Alma blackmails Joan about their affair. She was Alma's only real friend in the club and helped to get her in, yet it didn't stop Alma from threatening to use information that would have hurt her.
