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Tear Jerker / Three Months a Fox

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  • Nick's emotional breakdown in his father's office in the story's very first chapter, complete with Broken Tears. To see him just completely break down like that, it really puts into perspective just how much Nick had come to trust Judy during the first half of the movie's events, how much he had come to care for her, how much she made him believe in himself that he could be more than a sly, shifty con-fox. And then, all that trust, all that hope, was once again taken away from him. It's absolutely heart-wrenching to read, and a powerfully sad moment to start the story off on.
  • Nick's vague memories of his father, John Wilde, and the impact his death had on Nick as a kit and even as an adult. He's used his father's office in the abandoned clothing warehouse he'd owned before he died as a sanctuary of sorts, where he could drop his mask and allow his true emotions to show through. All of the ties he's ever worn in his life have belonged to John. Learning that his father had been an award-winning track runner in high school encouraged Nick to become a runner himself, and he learned a lot of the tricks of the trade to being a con-fox from his father's old economics books in his office. It's really sad to see how subconsciously Nick wishes he could have known his father, and how he expresses that desire through wearing or taking inspiration from his dad's possessions.
