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Tear Jerker / The Royal Tenenbaums

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  • Royal's death, of course.
    • Some context: After finally mending his relationship with his family, Royal suffers a heart attack some time later. The only one with him in the ambulance when he dies is Chas, who holds his father's hand tight and fights back tears as Royal smiles and peacefully slips away. The silence between them and excellent performances from the actors makes the scene truly heart-rending.
  • The dog's death is also quite sad.
  • The real reason why Richie's last match was a total epic fail. He was heartbroken for Margot's marriage.
  • Richie's suicide attempt.
    • Margot bursting into tears in the tent scene after this. It's probably the only time in the film she shows any emotion.
  • Chas's obsession with perfecting emergency procedures due to the death of his wife.
  • "I've had a rough year, dad."
