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Tear Jerker / The Kane Chronicles

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     The Red Pyramid 
  • Julius' grief over losing his wife, and how the two Kane children deal with their own grief.
    • Eventually when they lose their father, Carter still keeps a suitcase ready to go because he can't believe that his father is gone.
  • Sadie's internal anger when people are surprised she and Carter are siblings, even bitterly noting that no matter how open-minded you are, you're going to make assumptions when the two were near each other.
  • Carter being fully aware that a policeman was following him in the airport, and knew he had to act calm and that he had a purpose.
  • Bast sacrificing herself to protect the siblings from one of Set's monsters. She even considers them her own kittens.
  • Zia was a shabti, and her real body lay elsewhere. So the Zia Carter got to know, won't be the Zia he'll try to find.
  • Amos being not only physically drained from being a temporary host for Set, but also psychologically changed. He spent each moment of the story trying to hint to his niece and nephew that Set was using him, and by the end when he tells them he'll have to go to a different Nome that was well known for their healers, Sadie gently encourages him to go.

     The Throne of Fire 
  • Bes making a Heroic Sacrifice in order to buy the Kane siblings more time.
    • When they see him again, he's literally just a shell of his former self.
  • Walt telling Sadie that his family was cursed, and he would die young if he used too much of his magic.
  • Carter finally finding Zia, but of course, she doesn't know who he is.
  • Sadie learning Carter's Real Name in order to save him from a poison. Even though she knew that it was a bad idea to free Set from his control, she refused to watch her brother die.

     The Serpent's Shadow 
  • When Julius learns the Serpent is currently holding his wife hostage, he immediately wants to rescue her but his advisor reminds him he's Osiris now, and his primary duty is judging the deads.
  • Sadie's realization upon learning that Walt is letting Anubis host him, causing her to flee in horror.
