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Tear Jerker / The 15 Keys

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There are many sad moments in this saga, simply because of the plot working this way.

Character Moments

  • When Zach is forced to fight Monica, his own sister. He can't harm her but due to The Organisations Control she is trying to beat the hell out of him. Even worse when his attempt to stop her, offering his life, seems not to work, and she nearly punches through his chest. And then you play the game, seeing the look on her face...
  • When Sarah runs away Jacob is absolutely distraught, and at the time she was only 9. The Organisation is then revealed to have given her a new home, and Jacob is forced to give up the girl he considered his daughter. The real sad moment strikes when he asks for a goodbye hug, only for the new caregiver to shoot him in the shoulder, ordering that he leaves.
  • Monica, when she talks about how she became a cyborg, she describes it in a way that sounds like something else. Not only that but she says that she wants to get rid of the cyborg enhancements, but she cannot without dying.
  • Aelita alludes to what is upsetting her, which is revealed to be that Jeremie seemed to care less for her, but to make matters worse Zach thought she had lost someone as he did.
    • To re-iterate, Zach's loved one died, and he is assuming Jeremie is dead, not distant.


  • The prophecy has stated that the last of a race is to die. When it is assumed this is Zach the response from nearly his entire team is like this. Even Kell, who Zach hadn't spoken to in 3 years is distraught. But the worst part of this is when we see how Zach has reacted, and is willing to die to protect the others.


  • We get to see how Zach lost his memory and why, while he can see the same. We find that Zach lost someone special that day, and lost his memory to avoid destroying everything. While we see this in the game it is much worse, as we can see that Zach is losing it, and his self control begins to slip. To make matters worse he almost actually destroyed the universe, only stopped by Brett and Monica working together.
  • Most relationships seem to ride on this until they get better, but the worst was Zach and Aelita. As much as he tries to hide it he cares for her deeply, and it's a joyful tearjerker when Jacob tells her this is the most serious he has ever seen Zach act in his life.
    • This means he doesn't even take COMBAT seriously... and look at the results.
