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Tear Jerker / Stepsister from Planet Weird

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  • Ariel's backstory. She was there when her mother died as she and her parents were fleeing from their home, only to be forced into moving to a completely different planet shortly after. She writes in her diary she has recurring dreams remembering what happened that day.
    • Also, if you think about it, everything happened quickly. Ariel is 14, so it's likely that she began dating Fanul a couple of years at most before leaving her planet. Considering this, as well as Kathy and Cosmo mentioning they didn't know each other for long, suggests that all these changes occurred a couple of years apart at most.
  • Megan's feelings about the remarriage. Not only does she want her parents to get back together, but she also is jealous that Ariel is popular without even trying, and her crush is beginning to like Ariel.
    • What makes this worse is that her friend said that having Ariel as a stepsister would make her feel inferior. She sees that Ariel seems better at many things, but chooses not to comfort her friend.
